Author Archive

Saturday Night at the Movies

03 Feb

For his podcast Saturday Night at the Movies Steve Rubin discusses the final years of Errol Flynn with Robert Florczak, writer of Errol Flynn, The Illustrated Life Chronology. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.…

— Debbyphielix


Man of the world

31 Oct

Just found this on the internet. Not sure if it is new as Luke talks about his grandmother, who is no longer with us. But here it is. With some photos of… Read the rest of this entry »

— Debbyphielix


In loving Memory

14 Oct

Today marks the sad 65th anniversary of Errol’s passing. Anniversary might not be the right word, but today I will be thinking of him. Our Robin Hood, Don Juan. A toast to Errol in heaven, who looks down on us with a smile. He is gone, but certainly not forgotten. Bung ho old boy, here’s to the one and only Errol Flynn.

— Debbyphielix


Sean’s Paris apartment

03 Oct

Last weekend I made a short trip to Paris. A very short trip, but I had time to see Sean’s apartment on the Champs Elysees. I made a quick picture of the building. Not very clear, sorry for that. But the announcement on the door tells us that there are works going on in the building. I would love to explore this building, but there is no way strangers can get into the building. On a next visit to Paris I try to make some time to take pictures of the surrounding streets and the views from the front of the building. If someone is looking for the building, the Longchamps store is next door and the George V metro station very close.


— Debbyphielix


Happy Birthday Errol

20 Jun

Last year I visited the beautiful island of Capri. There I bought a book about Capri in movies. Many movies were filmed there and many stars visited and still visit the island. Our dear Errol was one of them. Here is the picture of him that was in the book. I don’t know when it was taken but in the picture is singer Scarola (Giuseppe Savarese). I hope you enjoy this birthday treat. Happy birthday Errol.  Hope you have a good one up there.

— Debbyphielix


Greetings from your new Author!

27 May

Hello Flynnatics,

I would like to introduce myself to you all. I was born and raised in the Netherlands, and still live there. 4 years ago I discovered Errol through a video on YouTube.  It was an English TV program of 30 minutes in which my favorite British actor Nathaniel Parker played a one man piece and was (ofcourse) Errol. After seeing that I was curious about the real Errol and started with YouTube. The first video I found was of Errol’s movie bloopers. I then bought a DVD boxset with 4 of Errol’s movies. The Adventures of Robin Hood was the first movie I saw . He leaped from the TV screen into my heart. He is still there and has to share it with Clark Gable, my other movie favorite.

I started to collect movies and books and at the moment I have a nice collection of both. As David Niven said “he was a fascinating creature.” I can’t name a favorite movie, as it changes all the time. At the moment I go for Gentleman Jim, but They Died With Their Boots On, Adventures of Don Juan, The Roots of Heaven and The Sun Also Rises are in that category. I even have his autograph and a drawing of him with Arno tattooed on my arms. A bit crazy for some, but not for me. People always ask me who the man of the tattoo is and when I tell them, very few know the name Errol Flynn.

Next to my affection for Errol I love to travel. I also love to read and am interested in certain periods in history. In a few months time it is time for another trip to Paris (a favorite city) and I hope to visit some Flynn locations while I am there. I am honoured and happy to join the Errol Flynn Blog as Administrator. I hope I can contribute some nice things about Errol or those around him. To start it of I would like to post a video I found on Facebook, and can also be found on YouTube. It is a fan tribute by a lady called Darla. She created one of the best (in my opinion) fanvideo made of Errol. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

— Debbyphielix