July 15, 1949
Armand Archerd
Evening Herald express
Susan Hayward has turned down, she says, $150,000, a chance to co-star with Errol Flynn and an Italy location for The Escape.
The fair lady’s reason: she would be required to cut her hair a la Bergman for For Whom the Bell Tolls. She refused to cut her hair for My Foolish Heart, which she’s now making. This gal’s haircuts come high.
Gorgeous, Talented, Courageous, Susan Hayward
— Tim
The Real Person!
July 15, 2020 at 11:53 pm
Where *do* you find this stuff, Tim? Apart from the obvious that no one could replace Olivia, and as much as I love Susan Hayward, I somehow can’t quite see her as Susan of Locksley and having reunions with the Merry Men of Sherwood. LOL Interesting idea to have paired her with Errol in whatever that movie would have been.
Gentleman Tim
July 16, 2020 at 11:19 pm
Oh, her foolish heart, barb! She could’ve been making big news and big denaro living la dolce vita in Italy with Errol Flynn!
The Real Person!
July 17, 2020 at 3:33 pm
Lovely movie, but a tearjerker
The Real Person!
July 16, 2020 at 12:58 pm
I would have cut my hair. Really?
Gentleman Tim
July 16, 2020 at 11:05 pm
Selene – Would you have done it for 100 Grand? 125 Grand?