The Fighting O’Flynn

18 Mar

While it’s still St. Patrick’s Day (in some parts of the world) …

Was The Fighting O’Flynn part satire of Errol Flynn?

Lobby Card:……

— Tim


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  1. Karl

    The Real Person!

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    March 18, 2020 at 11:28 pm

    In Duber-tubly SR!

    Errol cut his OWN (stylistic path) and… Jr couldn’t help but incorporate into this permutation the man HE worshipped (as each of us do in our OWN time) and as many have tried… they couldn’t have ANYWAY!

    I humbly submit that I see NOT ONE ERROL-istical flavoring in any sequence of this film!

    And, I am speaking as a fan of ALL three with some familiarity of each of their individual bodies of work!

    (IN FACT, currently re-reading the MOST EXCELLENT bio: The First King of Hollywood, The Life of Douglas Fairbanks”.)

    • Gentleman Tim

      March 19, 2020 at 12:49 pm

      Straight as an arrow to its mark >>> King Karl. From you, it can be taken to the bank(s). Let me see if I have this right: Before there was Fearless Flynn, aka the Fighting Flynn, there was Flynnless Fairbanks Sr., Less-Flynnless Fairbanks, and the Fighting O’Flynn. Fair enough.

      Senior apparently never thought too highly of Junior. I wonder what he thought of Fearless Errol?…
