July 4, 1936
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
“Errol joins Nigel Bruce, C. Aubrey Smith and other members of the Hollywood Cricket Club with the Vancouver Cricket Club at Brockton Point in Stanley Park.”
“The ground was packed with an enthusiastic but non-cricketing crowd consisting principally of teenage girls anxious to see and get close to Errol Flynn.”
— Tim
The Real Person!
July 5, 2019 at 9:34 am
Another homerun in the garden of Errol, Timiney Cricket. Flynn wrote proudly about being part of the team to his parents back in Europe. Even Dear Baz remembers their outings fondly: www.youtube.com…
Gentleman Tim
July 5, 2019 at 12:30 pm
Thank you, batsmanheinz. I don’t know how to say ‘home run’ in cricketese – a ‘six’ perhaps? – but, whatever it is, that’s what you hit with your Basil Rathbone cricket clip. Cheerio, old boy!
This clip at old Gilmore Field with the Pacific Coast League’s Hollywood Stars reveals how Errol looked and swung in his cricket days:
P.S. I attended a baseball history conference in San Diego last week with the world experts on the Pacific Coast League – Carlos Bauer, Angus MacFarlane, and Bill Swank. Steve Garvey was there, too, among other baseball and baseball history stars. I mentioned to a few there that Errol played baseball at Gilmore in cricket attire. They got a kick out of hearing that.
The Real Person!
July 6, 2019 at 5:25 pm
I bet the ballers got a kick outta that story, 1st Baseman Tim. I was thrilled to learn where Errol got the idea for the embridered logo on his pyjamas: www.nbcsports.com…