Baby Talk

June 24, 1935

Film Flam with Sidney Skolsky
Hollywood Citizen News

Lily Damita has told intimates that the reason she got married is that she wants a baby (Flynn).


June 30, 1935

Louella Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

The real story behind the marriage of Lily Damita to handsome Errol Flynn is that the gay Damita has a yen to go domestic in a big way. She confided to a close friend months ago that she was tired of gadding about.

“The next time I meet a man I really like,” she said. “I am going to marry him, settle down and have babies. I believe I want a child more than anything else in the world.”

She lived a gay life in Europe and Hollywood before semi-settling down with Flynn …

She seems to be showing in this photo … just about everything but a baby bump!

Press speculation on how their baby would look …

It took guile and a while …

— Tim

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