God Speed, Stan Lee

“When I was a kid, my favorite superhero was Errol Flynn, the actor. He played Robin Hood, he played Captain Blood… He was the best guy in the world with two guns, but he was always smiling and cheerful and rescuing women. I used to leave the theater with an imaginary sword looking for women to rescue. I can think of nothing more fun than spending your life rescuing women.”

-Rotten Tomatoes asked Stan Lee “Now, would you say that Errol Flynn’s movies may have influenced some of your work? ”
Stan Lee answered: “Absolutely. Errol Flynn was my god. I wanted to be Errol Flynn. I wanted to be Errol Flynn, and I used to — I mention this to people — I used to… I was about ten years old, I don’t know. I’d walk out of the theater after an Errol Flynn movie; I’d have a crooked little smile on my face, the way I thought he smiled, and an imaginary sword at my side, and I’d be hoping that I could find some bully picking on a little girl so I could come to her rescue, you know?”

-The 1965 Marvel Comics character Fandral, a companion of the Norse God Thor and a member of the Warriors Three, was based on the likeness of Flynn by co-creator Stan Lee. Actor Joshua Dallas, who played the character in Thor, based his portrayal on Flynn.

— Tim

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