Titchfield Hotel Menu circa 1959

I am fascinated by the old Titchfield Hotel when Errol owned it. We know it has long since gone into history but my late friend Dennis Mullen was able to get onto the restricted grounds where the hotel stood by charming a soldier there at the military training grounds the area subsequently became with a few cocktails they might drink together on what remained of the hotel and pools, and toast Flynn. Dale Westin, who was then manager of the Errol Flynn Marina had told him access to the site was impossible but Dale did not reckon with Dennis’s wit and guile and sheer Flynn style wicked ways …

Dennis Mullen at the Titchfield swim up bar, the first of its kind.

Titchfield Pool Remains

Dennis and his new soldier pal sat in what they figured was the same spot as Errol and Earl Conrad and drank to Flynn and our blog, he told me. So over the years, after Dennis passed away far, far too soon, the hotel still fascinates me and I look here and there for any tidbit about it I can find. Occasionally, I find a postcard. Or two.

And if lucky find an item I have not seen before. Here is something in that happy category: an eBay item featuring a menu from the hotel that looks like simple dinner fare …

A bit hard to read but the seller provides a date:

Titchfield Hotel Menu 1959 Jamaica
One page with cover on one side and dinner menu on backside. Dinner menu is dated 13th Aug. 1959. Does not have prices.

— David DeWitt

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