In Come the Flynns

Harrison Carroll – Los Angeles Evening Herald Express
June 8, 1939

For the first time since Hollywood gave stardom and world-wide fame to Errol Flynn, the Irish actor and his family are to have a reunion.

It will take place here, revealed Flynn today, with the arrival of his mother and his sister, Rosemary, in about two weeks. The star’s father, Theodore Thompson Flynn, who is dean of the faculty of science at Queen’s University in Belfast, alsi is expected on the coast after a brief stay in New York.

According to the actor, it has been more than three years since he has seen his parents.

Asked if his 19-year-old sister might also seek a film career, Flynn laughed and shook his head.

“She’s the clever one in the family”, he explained, “she’s studying medicine.”

But what if some studio offer’s her a test? The star was then asked.

“In that case”, said Flynn, “I’ll probably handle the deal.”

This visit will be the first time any of the star’s family has been inside a motion picture studio. They’ll have an opportunity to watch Flynn work before the camera with Bette Davis in Elizabeth and Essex.…

— Tim

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