Castro away

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

when guerilla commandante Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz ousted the despised dictator Fulgencio Batista on January 1st of 1959, everybody including Errol thought Cuba would turn from US backyard brothel into Paradise Island International.…

The high hopes were fueled by the high motives of the eloquent revolutionary. Freedom and equal birth rights were the proclaimed pillars of Fidel`s philosophy. Communism seemed not a top priority. The lowest common denominator between El Maximo Lider and Karl Marx was a full beard.

Born out of wedlock under the name of Fidel Hipolito Ruz Gonzalez, Castro was the kid of a wealthy landowner and his housekeeper. Maybe the the itch of being an illegitimate child triggered the urge to become an usuper.

His birth date had to be altered by a year, in order he could attend the Jesuits` college one year earlier than allowed. At university he stood out for his crisp mind and sharp tongue at a early age too. Top baseball outings on Cuba`s canefields led to unconfirmed tryout offers by the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees, but he opted for a more deceptive profession and became a lawyer.

He first brought on a law suit against Batista and when it failed to make the military leader leave his office as new Head of State, Semper Fidel organised a coup of his own with 160 men trying to take the second largest barracks with 1500 soldiers. The historic quote “History will absolve me” stems from a letter he wrote out of prison after being captured as one of few survivors.

After his release Castro fled to Mexico with his younger brother Raul, where they met perennial poster boy Ernesto “Che” Guevara, another unscrupulous idealist. The chain smoking asthmetic medic became the spark to the Castro Bros. fuze. The rest is his story:…

El Fidel would go on to control the fate and faithfuls of the largest Caribbean isle seeing 11 US presidents come and go, survive 638 assassination attempts acknowledged by the Guiness Book of Records and a nuclear Mexican stand-off at sea between Khrushchev and Kennedy.

El Flynn saw the Robin Hood in Fidel Castro when only the post of Sheriff of Nottingham was vacant.

Power seekers with brains, big egos and bank accounts will stop at nothing- today more than ever!

Hasta la Flynntoria siempre,

— shangheinz

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