A bloody prelude to Robin Hood


Dear fellow Flynn fans,

the 14th of october 2016 marks the 950th anniversary of the bloody Battle of Hastings.

When Edward the Confessor died without a successor in early 1066, three other noble horsemen claimed the throne of England.

At first Harald Goodwinson proclaimed himself Harald II. His brother Tostig challenged him instantly for the crown with the help of a Norwegian army (the Danes and Norwegians had held larg parts of the British Isle since the 9th century). Harald II. preveiled in the Battle at Stamford Bridge on the 25h September.

Meanwhile William the Conqueror entered the South of England from Normandy. Harald II. marched his weary men all the way down from the North and erected a wall on a knoll, which at first held firm against the furious attacks from the Normans. They were fighting the proverbial uphill battle. When TC William seemed to retreat, the Anglo Saxons left their forification to deliver the death blow. But the Normans suddenly turned and responded with a surprising onslaught. 7000 was the final deathcount at a time when towns averaged 2500 people.
Harald II. got ambushed and lost life, kingdom and ocular globe on the spot. The historic scene is depicted on a famous tapestry, showing him being hit by an arrow into the eye.

Wicked Will became King William I. on Christmas day of that year and abolished landownership immediately. His Normans` Earls and Counts were lent the lands seized from the Saxon aristocracy.

Enter Sir Robin Hood from Hollywood.


— shangheinz

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