A Week in the Life of Flynn — 2nd & 3rd Weeks of July 1935




“Lili Damita’s jubilant bridegroom, Errol Flynn, will swing the sword of his ancestors in his first big film role, Captain Blood. The young Irish actor has cabled his parents in Belfast to send on the heirloom, which was presented to a forbear, Lord Terrence Flynn, by a henchman of the Duke of Monouth in 1686. By an odd coincidence, this was the same period of history dealt with in the story. The fictional Captain Blood was supposed to have been sold into slavery after the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685.”

– Harrison Carroll, Los Angeles Evening Herald Express, July 11, 1935


Errol with bended sword and necklaces

“Well, at last they have finally cast Errol Flynn as Captain Blood in that Warners epic which will undoubtedly squelch his opportunities for being Katie Hepburn’s lead in Sylvia Scarlet. Speaking of Errol, he wears around his neck on a chain a locket that holds for him a great sentimental value – consequently he never removes it. Several years ago in the jungles of New Guinea, he found a friend of his, wounded, so he carried him on his shoulders for many miles to a stream where he boated him to medical aid, but it was too late. Just before dying, his friend gave him the medal and asked him to wear it always as a keepsake.”

– Lloyd Pantages, Los Angeles Hollywood Parade, July 13, 1935



“Filmland learned for the first time today the romantic history of the diamond that Errol Flynn, dark skinned Irish actor, put upon the finger of of Lili Damita, who is now his bride.

It was five years ago that Flynn came into possession. A young adventurer, he was working as a British agent in New Guinea to help preserve peace among the native tribes. One day, he made a gold strike in the jungle.

Trekking back to civilization, Flynn sold his discovery for $10,000 in gold. He decided to leave New Guinea, but couldn’t carry his new found riches. So he put the money into rough-cut diamonds. It was one of these diamonds that the young actor, soon to play the starring role in the Warner film, Captain Blood, had made into the engagement ring his bride now wears.”

– Harrison Carroll, Los Angeles Evening Herald Express, July 19, 1935


— Tim

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