Mail Bag! Errol Reichow for Gentleman Tim!

Something I have been wanting to post for one of your most devoted bloggers, Gentleman Tim. I am sure it will take a millisecond to identify the role and the picture but what fun that it is an autographed picture from one actor to another but more likely a friend to a friend.

There are two autographed pictures from Flynn to my father and they now bookend my bar on the top shelf as they once adorned the walls of my father’s house. You don’t need a spirit to watch over in so much as you need the spirit within to live with passion, with poise, and with an appetite that this may be the only chance you get so why not make the most of it, sound vaguely familiar? So, whatever lights that flame keep it burning bright as long as you can but if you ever feel the clouds are moving in look back as a reminder to those who have weathered the storms before you, set your compass, and chose a path that you believe in.

Unfortunately, it is not always wine. women, and song but what a wonderful world it would be if it was. Keep your eyes clear and ready for a fight but better a lover not a fighter yet if you do it right you can do both, and maybe even at the same time.
All the best me boy, ( I know I took that from someone else but come on it’s worth taking)

Errol Reichow


Thanks, Errol!

— David DeWitt

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