Dear David DeWitt
I am working on some early Australian film history and wondered if you or your blog associates might have some information particularly concerning Lily Mary (Marelle) Flynn.
According to another source she was an extra in a 1925 silent film, filmed at the Savage River in Tasmania and in Melbourne, entitled “Jewelled Nights” produced by Louise Lovely and based on a novel by Tasmanian writer Marie Bjelke Petersen. I have only found one mention of Marelle Flynn as an extra and would really like to know if there is more substantive evidence and whether she was filmed in the Tasmanian setting or in the Melbourne society setting.
Given that it was 1925, Errol Flynn would still have been in school at the Hobart High School. Further given that his father, Professor Theo Flynn was a great hiker, also wonder whether he and Errol might have ventured to Waratah, Savage River in NW Tasmania for the filming.
I’ve ordered up the books on Flynn to see if there is any mention, however, thought that you and your associates might have information.
Kind regards
Anne Sanders
Braidwood NSW Australia
Jewelled Nights starring Louise Lovely
— David DeWitt
The Real Person!
May 25, 2016 at 9:58 pm
Wow how fantastic is this? What a great photo and she sure does have that Flynn look.
The Real Person!
May 25, 2016 at 10:47 pm
That is Louise Lovely in the photo but she does resemble Errol in this still shot! Hopefully, we can help Anne with some information about Marelle and this film …
Gentleman Tim
May 26, 2016 at 12:24 am
Fazinating, Anne! I recall reading before that Lily or Marelle had been in a movie, but never saw any evidence or proof. Perhaps Belinda Holloway from Tasmania can help. I believe she is both a Flynn and Louise Lovely fan, from Hobart. She was also the donor of Louise Lovely’s travelling trunk to the Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery.……
Gentleman Tim
May 26, 2016 at 12:38 am
Is she possibly one of the beauties in the upper left of this advert? I can’t tell on my screen, but it may be worth close inspection, as Lily/Marelle certainly was a beauty.
The Real Person!
May 27, 2016 at 2:56 pm
I think I remember a clear photo of the gals in the upper left hand corner!? I have not the time but I think it may be on this site somewhere?
Gentleman Tim
May 26, 2016 at 1:18 am
Would be cool and possibly helpful to watch what’s left and recreated of the film in the old Zeehan Gaity Theater. Maybe Marelle can be found in some of the remaining footage or remaining stills: