Tasmanian daredevil


photo credit: Krystle Wright

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

the Australian island state of Tasmania is the sole retreat of the “Sarcophilus harrisii”, commonly known as Tasmanian devil, a carnivorous marsupial. “It is characterised by its stocky and muscular build…for its curiosity in his prey and ferocity when feeding. Although it usually is solitary, it sometimes eats with other devils and defecates in a communal location. Devils are not monogamous, and their reproductive process is very robust and competitive. Males fight one another for the females, and then guard their partners to prevent female infidelity.”(source: en.wikipedia.org…)

Taz was also called home by our Hollywood hero, about whom studio boss Jack Warner once said, “To the Walter Mittys of the world he was all the heroes in one magnificent, sexy animal package.”

Now here is a risky undertaking by a young sport right in the middle of the rugged and relic landscape, that seemingly shapes as well as attracts daredevilish characters.

Ryan Robinson does an highwire act at Fortescue Bay, Errol would have been proud of.



— shangheinz

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