Cooper and the Captain’s Sword

16 Mar

Rock legend Alice Cooper mentioned that he had the sword of Captain Blood, himself, Errol Flynn – The same in fact, once used in the movie.

The worst part for me was the he mentioned that this was the same in which I’ve personally seen him using while performing in his many rock shows.  We all know that Alice is  deranged, or plays the part on stage, yet I somewhat think it must follow him throughout; why would anyone use this sword, once used by the legendary Errol Flynn portraying Captain Peter Blood, in the famous movie “Captain Blood” (1935)?

My question to Alice would be; was this the same/actual sword used in that famous scene in which he pierces through Levasseur (Basil Rathbone) on the rocky shore lines (Catalina Island) and kills him? Or was it a secondary sword (extra), prop maybe? This would make a big difference. If so, show me proof!

It bothers me to know that someone (Cooper) would be so ignoramusly like, to take such a chance in destroying something so iconic, one of a kind, which should be either in the hands of someone who really appreciates it and remembers that one of the greatest star was born using it on this beautiful film, and/or donated to the Smithsonian Institute, so everyone has a chance to appreciate it.

Unfortunately for myself, for reasons unknown, I never ask him as we crossed path along the way, for I too was in the same world, a performing musician of that same rock world. I can assure you this though, if ever I cross him again somewhere, I will put that question to him, and as any who care so, ask also if he would like to part with it, for I would love to have this in my collection, wouldn’t you?…………

— Sergio


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  1. Gentleman Tim

    March 16, 2016 at 9:17 pm

    Alice Cooper deranged!?! You speak reason, Sir Sergio!

    You are right. IF Alice does indeed have Errol’s sword, he should not be debasing it in the cinematically-sacrilegious manner he has. The Smithsonian is a magnificent idea!

    I believe, however- per the audio clip below – he may be a bit ambiguous and leave a little wiggle room about whether or not the sword he owns/uses on stage is actually the sword Errol used in Blood?

    What do you think?…


  2. shangheinz

    March 19, 2016 at 3:35 pm

    Great post, Sarge Sergio. Errol had a tendency to give away swords for merits rendered. He allegedly gave another one to Christopher Lee too. Does anybody know where his inherited rapier of the Young family ended up?

    • Sergio

      March 19, 2016 at 3:57 pm

      good Q, maybe Rory would know that one?….

  3. Nick

    March 19, 2016 at 8:08 pm

    Cooper talks about the sword here:…

    Btw, he apparently only sleeps 3 hours a night. Which might explain a lot.

    • Sergio

      March 20, 2016 at 4:54 pm

      Nick – In listening to that YouTube post you put up, I believe Alice says that it is “One” of the swords(rapier) used” in Captain Blood right? So in reality he can’t make claim for sure that it is the actual one that our Mr. Flynn used, and/or Basil Rathbone for that mater – “A” sword, not “The” sword from the film.

      For all we know it could have been one of many sword brought on the set for the films use and some of the electricians and prop men played with them between shoots making all those marks on the handle as Alice claims there are (presumed prior to his ownership)…

      To add, I made some mention too in my original post, was that how can a precious piece of cinema history be taken so careless, foolish, whatever you want to call it?
      For he kills me, he makes himself such an ignoramus in that interview; “I used it in Billion Dollar Babies shows” (which I personally witness myself, yet did not know that was his claim of the sword then) and then with almost the same breath say; the sword is his prized procession. Is he crazy???? Well no need t answer, we already know that answer.
      A prized possession is not to be used, abuse on rock show stages around the world – stupidly piercing yourself, etc. On those tours there are a lot of thievery, believe me, and to take that chance, etc.? Nuts!

      In growing up in my old NJ street days, I would say it plainly; He pisses me the #$%@ off, and I have a Louisville slugger which stands in as a pinch hitter…
      Think that pretty much says it, don’t you?

  4. Gentleman Tim

    March 19, 2016 at 9:08 pm

    Here are several slices of 411 on that two-edged lesson, sabreheinz:…

    Or, via Midshipman Flynn Himself:

    “My mother’s people were seafaring folk. She had an ancestor named Midshipman Young. He was the chief aide of Fletcher Christian of Mutiny on the Bounty, and had accompanied Christian to Pitcairn Island. Edward Young captured a sword from Captain Bligh and this sword remained in my mother’s family. It was handed down and the sword landed in our house in Tasmania where as a small boy I played with it… My father ultimately gave this souvenir to the Naval and Military Club at Hobart where it still hangs on a wall. I could choke him for giving it away.”

    • Sergio

      March 20, 2016 at 5:18 pm

      I will continue to be bias and believe our man Flynn’s story – whether right or wrong, its a better story for sure, in true swashbuckling fashion as he was….

      • Gentleman Tim

        March 20, 2016 at 7:21 pm

        Errol’s account could well be true, Sergio. The Tasmanian Club in Hobart has apparently had a long-time affiliation with international “Naval and Military Clubs”. Thus, the sword may have been donated to the Tasmanian Club. If so, let’s hope they held on to it, or donated to a worthy museum for all the world to see. At this point in time, IMO, Errol is more famous than the mutiny itself.…
