Dennis Mullen has a few words to say …

As you know, our chum and fellow Flynn aficionado Dennis Mullen is fighting cancer and has a GoFundMe Campaign sponsored by this blog. He today gave us an update and a few words of thanks for all those who care about his condition and are helping him to fight and win:

“Feels strange being a ghostwriter and copy editor while simultaneously being at a loss for words. I can’t thank all of you enough–or to my satisfaction at least–for not only your generosity, but also for your genuine empathy and compassion.

One of my goals is to properly correspond with you all once I am firmly in the recovery lane and we can chat about…..Caribbean adventure and/or Old Hollywood perhaps. Until then I’m not typing or reading so good due to severe rolling stomach pain, nausea, and blurry vision.

I’ve been day-dreaming about a “fair day in the tropics” these last few weeks. A simple line, yet full of promise and intrigue–two Errol Flynn attributes! I hope I can feel good again as this journey has been day-to-day hell for me and I am having a hard time coping both physically and psychologically. Thank-you everyone for thinking of me and helping me. I won’t ever forget it.”

Dennis Mullen, January 12th 2016

If you would like to help in your own area you can do so by downloading the poster below as a pdf, printing it and putting it up in your local community centers, library, or church. A little effort by a lot of people can make a hell of a difference.


— David DeWitt

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