UnLike Flynn

As evidence to show anyone who doubts how transcendent Errol Flynn was on the big screen, here’s “Fire of England”, with Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh. Very much like Sea Hawk, except that Laurence Olivier (often hailed as the greatest actor in the world) pales in comparison to Errol Flynn. Take a look, for example at ~ the 10 to 11 minute mark of the film. Sir Larry clearly couldn’t carry Errol’s scabbard. (Nor Flora Robson’s.)

This is my first entry in an “UnLike Flynn” series. Please join in with your “UnLike Flynn” candidates. I started with the favorite of many an anti-Errol elitist (including Bette Big Eyes) – the big L.O.

Here’s Errol, the real deal:

The Sword Fights of Errol Flynn from Russ McClay on Vimeo.

— Tim

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