This is the same photo but a different angle. Whatever Errol is eating -looks like he is enjoying it!
— Maria
This is the same photo but a different angle. Whatever Errol is eating -looks like he is enjoying it!
— Maria
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Gentleman Tim
October 12, 2014 at 2:53 am
Might be the forbidden fruit, Maria. This may have been when Miss Magnani was getting back at her hubbioso, Roberto Rossolini, for fooling around for Miss Bergmano! What better way than to be photographed with Errol Flynn!!
The Real Person!
October 14, 2014 at 8:27 pm
Was Errol Flynn in Italy for the filming of Hello God? Sherry Jackson said she never left Los Angeles for her work in the film. Anyone know? Ralph Schiller
The Real Person!
October 14, 2014 at 10:01 pm
Ralph, I heard at least part of the film has been found in the basement of the surrogate court of New York City. Two of seven cans of the movie were in unrepairable shape but five are at the George Eastman House for restoration. Flynn’s ten days of shooting was in Italy, and he was paid $2,700.00 per day. Original title: Before You Sleep Tonight …
The Real Person!
October 15, 2014 at 1:48 pm
David; Maybe Errol was there in Italy for ‘Hello God” after all. I read William Marshal’s thinly disguised novel “The Deal” where he talks about getting an Italian war film for pennies and then shooting scenes with Flynn replacing footage of the leading man. That way they would have a new Errol Flynn epic in release on a shoestring budget! I’m beginning to think the making of ‘Hello God’ is more fascinating than the film itself! Let us hope that the film is truly being restored by the Eastman House, and no just another enigmantic rumor on Errol Flynn’s missing ‘ghost film’! Ralph Schiller
The Real Person!
October 15, 2014 at 5:08 pm
It would be interesting to see the remaing reels! I wonder if other copies were made and survived somehow that would make the film complete? Wishful thinking, I guress!