Robin Hood Got Away From Me

21 Sep

I was planning on seeing The Last Of Robin Hood Monday Sept. 22nd but it vanished this weekend after only being out since Aug. 29th.
I don’t remember reading a review here.
Anyone see it?

— twinarchers


Posted in Films


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  1. zacal

    September 22, 2014 at 4:18 am

    Unfortunately I no longer live in L.A., so no, I haven’t seen it. (Thank heavens for Netflix.) But there are a ton of reviews on Rotten Tomatoes website.(Some aren’t bad but most are.) And if you’d like Vanity Fair’s “tick tock” of the affair, there’s this rundown.…

  2. Inga

    September 22, 2014 at 8:13 am

    Here is a balanced one:…

  3. Gentleman Tim

    September 22, 2014 at 2:53 pm

    I saw the first showing in South Florida, twinarchers. It’s out of theaters because – despite the great talents of Kevin Kline & Susan Sarandon – it’s boring. None of the majesty, excitement and great spirit of adventure that made Flynn legendary are reflected in this movie. It’s a drab, painfully uninspired and low budget portrayal of one of the most colorful men in history. … The photo you published above is perfect.

    If I could find an image or video of Robin competely missing his target, rather than splitting the arrow (as Flynn did in his own life), I’d post it. The audience really gets scalped by this film.


  4. Inga

    September 22, 2014 at 5:32 pm

    Twin, please read this objective review from our long-time member Tina.

    “The Last of Robin Hood”

    Although it is a little older, it is very well written and offers a balanced view of the movie, just like the review I posted above.

  5. Gentleman Tim

    September 22, 2014 at 11:10 pm

    Yes, twinarchers, definitely read all the reviews you can. I personally agree with the overwhelmingly majority which pan the movie, but you and others may find it terrific. I hope you do. I hope I’m wrong in my estimation that, except for excellent performances by Kline & Sarandon, it’s not very good. Very sadly, it’s mostly just a Lifetime pot-boiler. That’s why the theater-going public is turning away in droves. Even where it’s still playing, it’s often only shown once a day – at least in my neck of the woods.

    If I recall correctly, Tina saw it at the Toronto Film Festival, where it had its world debut, and all the enthusiastic hoopla that goes along with that. I didn’t have the fortune of experiencing that, which I would think would make the whole event much more fun and worthwhile. But I did see it in a top-of-the-line theater with an audience hoping for a great movie about Errol Flynn. We’re all still waiting.

    Here’s a link with a lot of reviews, including ones posted by Inga. I think it’s safe to say it’s been a flop. Even so, as a Flynn fan, there’s a few things in there for you – not many though.

    Last of Robin Hood!!



    September 25, 2014 at 9:36 pm

    This may be late, but I wanted to add my critique, as I too have seen “The Last of Robin Hood”! First let me start by saying that while the title may include “Robin Hood”, the film is not really about Flynn, but seems to be more about Florence and Beverly Aadland. Kline is very good as Flynn, as he seems to have all of Flynn’s mannerisms. Sarandon and Fanning are also good. The main reason to see the film is for the performances. So if it becomes available on home video or shown on cable, I recommend that it be seen. While it is not a great film, it is not a bad film. It is merely okay. On a scale of one to ten, ten being best, I give it a seven. Films like this need to be seen, so that people are made aware that there is a market for films about Flynn and maybe a better one will be made. That way they won’t disappear like “Road to Freedom” did.–A. R.