The Black Fox

In 1955, Errol Flynn made his final swashbuckler, “The Dark Avenger”. That same year, Danny Kaye made “The Court Jester”, a film that appeared to be a tribute/spoof of the swashbuckler films of Errol Flynn, complete with Basil Rathbone as the villain, Mildred Natwick (of “Against All Flags”) in a pseudo Una O’Connor-like role, as well as a Robin Hood-like character that seemed written specifically for Errol: The Black Fox. Was Errol offered the role? Probably. Instead, the heroic role was played by Edward Ashley, who received 12th billing. Of course, if Errol had played the role, his name would have been much, much higher in the credits. The film is still very entertaining.(and highly recommended for fans of Flynn) But if it had co-starred Errol Flynn, it would be much more famous.

— zacal

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