Errol Flynn in “British Agent”

Radio013copy“British Agent” was a 1934 film directed by Michael Curtiz and starring… Leslie Howard. Errol Flynn would not be a household name for another year. He would, however, play the British Agent — on radio. Flynn possessed a beautiful, distinctive speaking voice which contributed mightily to his success as an actor and made him a natural for the radio. In this episode of the prestigious Lux Radio Theater (hosted by legendary director Cecil B. DeMille – the above picture is actually from “Green Light”) Errol Flynn finally plays a secret agent. When he says, “My name is Locke. Steve Locke,” it’s the closest we’ll ever get to hearing him play, well, you-know-who.
(Note: This link is to a site selling CD’s of radio programs. Click on “Listen To A Sample Episode” to hear Errol Flynn in “British Agent”.)…

— zacal

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