Case of the curious blog


My dear fellow Flynn fans,

in connection to last week’ s (puzzle) piece on the”White Rajah” I summon you to chip in on Errol’s announced, but never realized film projects.

I know of the following, either via newspaper or self promotion of our Hollywood hero himself:

“Goya” after an idea, rather a vision of Salvatore Dali

“Michael Strogoff”, the Jules Verne classic, who saw the movie light later starring Curt Juergens

“Lord Valiant”, a historic fencing flic side by side with Robert Wagner and Joan Collins

“Singapore East” a junk boat pirate spectacle situated in Japan  with Italian singer-actor Alberto Rabagliati

And the mother of all sequels “The new adventures of Robin Hood”, which I especially am curious about. Maybe one of our elder statesmanly scolars knows if it ever was really officially announced by Warner Bros. ?

— shangheinz

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