The Black Swan 1942

Never saw this film before and noticed it was one of the top box office film’s the year it came out. I watched it on YouTube and the image was not the greatest but 20th Century Fox always did a good job so I had to imagine a fine looking film. It was interesting to see another studios style from that era and some things were more modern and a bit more ruthless than the Flynn films. It also was more American and less British feeling which may have had to do with Power I don’t really know. All in all I enjoyed it but Mr Power was no where near the level of Mr. Flynn which I did not expect. I thought he would better since I remember seeing Zorro. I just wasn’t feeling it with him and her as far as chemistry so I wondered if anyone else has anything to say about Power and ever Miss O’Hara who was in her prime on this one for sure (she does a commentary track on the DVD). I know Tyrone can act as I have seen him in other things. Is this his top Swashbuckler? I wish I would have seen this on Blu Ray out of the gate instead of the way I did.

— twinarchers

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