Being Jipped On DVD’S

I am a fan of setting my Blu Ray player (Panasonic) to zoom so the older films fill the screen. At times it cuts the heads off the actors but once you get used to it its great and turns the film to wide screen. It does not work for Blu Ray films but that’s ok because you are seeing the actual image the way it is supposed to be unlike std DVD’s that cut off the sides a bit. I notice that with my zoom feature you can see more image on either side some more than others. Its not a huge difference but its there and I wonder why? Has anyone else tried this and if so let me know so I know its not just my player. The full image is there its just not showing up. As a side note I am also a big John Wayne fan and wonder are there any others here? I would have loved to see them work together in a film. I wonder if there is a photo of the two of them together?

— twinarchers

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