
Desperate Journey 1942

While watching the movie I was thinking or dreaming really.
I just love this film and even though some of the humor is old fashioned by today’s standards it holds up quite well. The image here is just so fantastic you almost want to be there with them staring down death in the face. How cool is it to be in a Nazi train like they are. I also like the scene with them lurking and hiding in the swamps. I would love to see what they could do with the film today with some CGI and modern day colorizing and at the very least a Blu Ray worthy restoration.
The model work is really good but needs a bit of work here and there. This is only suggested for a jaded audience that is used to seeing things like part of California sliding in to the Pacific. If I had the money I would do it myself and the product would include my special version plus an as is restoration for the purists. It has worked for Paramount with the original Star Trek series in that you can see the restored show as is or with up to date CGI special effects. I am being naive but like I said I was dreaming.null

— twinarchers

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