Errol Flynn – “The NEXT Great Superhero”?

Spinning off of “The Next Errol Flynn” thread, I thought it would be great to explore with all of you how you think Errol would be as the NEXT superhero? Of course, we all know he’s the only guy that can really get away with wearing tights while saving and romancing the Damsel in Distress, but I got to looking at a couple of other, more reserved performances of his, confirming, for example, he would also be great as a Clark Kent-type alter-ego. Indeed, looking at the biggest comic book superhero of all, I got to thinking who could possibly be a better Superman than Errol? . Flynn would be the best superhero, I’m sure. In fact, wasn’t/isn’t he ALREADY, as Robin Hood – that greatest Cinematic Superhero ever?!

This gif, for example, shows Errol how he might look as Clark Kent:… [Errol As Clark Kent]

We all know what super-dash, glamor and humor, he could bring to the part of Superman. His swinging in to welcome Olivia to Sherwood Forest comes to mind!

[“Welcome to Sherwood” on YouTube]…

And, I might add, Olivia would be the best Lois Lane ever, IMHO!!

So I did a quick search a few minutes ago, and guess who pops up but Stan Lee, saying Errol was the hero and inspiration for his masterful superhero creations – Spiderman & Ironman, et al!!! For a real EF Fan treat, watch from 3:33 – 4:30!!!!

[Stan Lee Interview!]

So what do you all think? Which Superhero(s) would Errol be great as? And, for all the tech-savvy people out there, how could technology actually make it possible for Errol to be in a future Superhero film!? I think that day may be coming rather rapidly!

In a different computer-animated manner, Errol was in some ways already copied/interpreted for the big screen – when he was the inspiration for Flynn Rider. (No matter how many official denials or evasions of that there may be!

[Flynn Rider]


(not sure why url’s are not coming in right – probably me, or a temporary glitch) —–just fixed the urls!

— Tim

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