“Memoir of Errol Flynn” vs. “The Big Love”

08 Sep

Getting ready for the upcoming “Last Of Robin Hood”, I read last week both Earl Conrad’s “Memoir of Errol Flynn” and “The Big Love” by Florence Aadland.  All factors considered, I found Earl Conrad’s account of Errol’s last years, a far superior work, and one which presents a far better basis for a screenplay and film.  In fact, it would be hard to imagine a more fascinating and substantive examination of Errol’s life and last days than the one Earl Conrad provides in this superb memoir of his time with Errol Flynn.  On the other hand, I found “Mommie Weirdest’s” book terribly boring, self-serving, and incomplete – leaving out so much of Errol’s extraordinary life, character, and philosophy of living.  I sure hope the movie follows the Conrad approach more than it does the Florence Aadland version of events.  After all, when all is said and done, the only good reason to watch this movie is because of Errol Flynn’s uniquely amazing life.  Anyway, that’s the way I see it.  What do you guys think?


Earl Conrad Memoir                              The Big Love


— Tim


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    September 8, 2013 at 11:11 pm

    It’s been years since I read either and I only revisited the Aadland book when I was doing research on my “Forgotten Films of Sean Flynn” article. But it would be no surprise that the Aadland book would be as you put it”…self-serving…” since I believe she went to jail shortly after Flynn’s death for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, namely her daughter and she would want to get her version of events out there. Of course I believe her version was the basis for Tracey Ullman’s one woman show, “The Big Love”! By the way, does any one know if Sean is portrayed in this film because there is a well known story about when Sean met Beverly for the first time?–A. R.

    • Tim

      September 9, 2013 at 9:19 am

      Excellent observation on Florence Aadland’s account, A.R. Here’s some insight on “Mommie Weirdest” – insight, I believe, which adds to much other evidence that Earl Conrad’s “Memoir of Errol Flynn” provides a much better account of Errol’s last years, than does “The Big Love” :…


      • Kathleen

        September 11, 2013 at 5:18 am

        Great article. Thanks for the link.

        • Tim

          September 11, 2013 at 12:34 pm

          Your most welcome, Kathleen. Flo was something else. Though those pajamas are questionable, it sure looks like she knew how to throw a right cross!

      • Tina

        September 12, 2013 at 9:28 pm

        Wow – What an article!
        There must be something wrong with the date in this article – Beverly was so very distraught and troubled over the loss of Errol she wouldn’t have had affairs so soon after Errol’s passing??? What is the truth?

        • Tim

          September 12, 2013 at 9:54 pm

          I think she did, Tina. According to Earl Conrad, Beverly was quite a spunky young lady! – and I believe I read that LA police suspected that she may have been dating men in exchange for money and/or favors as early as twelve – years before Errol met her. I certainly don’t know, but it seems very relevant to the story of Errol’s involvement with her. … In any case, reports are that Beverly transcended all this, becoming an excellent wife, mother, grandmother, and citizen – and never once publicly blamed or attacked Errol. That deserves great, great praise.

          • Tina

            September 13, 2013 at 1:44 am

            Hi Tim;
            I am rather shocked to hear that!

            • Tim

              September 13, 2013 at 11:02 am

              Yes, it is rather shocking, Tina, but, I believe, essential to any determination as to the truth of Errol’s relationship with Beverly, and, of course, the trustworthiness of her mother.

              Here’s a news article reporting official allegations that Beverly had been a call girl since she was twelve years old. Shocking indeed, but it would explain how she allegedly “advanced” so very quickly “after” meeting Errol. In fact, if these authorities were correct, Beverly was already quite sexually active before ever meeting Errol. Though I certainly don’t know, it makes more sense to me than the story in “The Big Love”.


              • Tina

                September 15, 2013 at 6:58 pm

                Hi Tim!
                I just can’t believe that story it is much too fantastic much too bizarre. Maybe I am naive – I just can shake my head!
                The Paper is from “Kansas” April 16th, 1960 and the writer is = Hollywood (AP)? What doe that mean?
                Who actually written this reportage? Where is the origination of this news?

                • Tim

                  September 16, 2013 at 8:09 am

                  Hi Tina. Based on previous experiences, I would say this article was written by one or more LA area reporters belonging to the Associated Press. Looking at the nature of this story, these could be either Hollywood entertainment reporters, or LA crime beat reporters. In either case, the story likely went out “over the wire” to all AP news subscribers, including to this particular paper.

    • Tina

      September 12, 2013 at 9:19 pm

      Hi A.R.!
      Not just Sean met her, btw. who thought dad brought a girl for him. Then you must not forget Nora – she met her too and I think also the two daughters.
      There was a picture about it somewhere.
      In short, I think Errol didn’t kept it a secret. Also there was Errol’s mother??? meet or not meet – but supposedly expressed herself quite negatively.
      And there is so much more which none of us will ever know!

      • Robzak

        September 13, 2013 at 9:16 pm

        You will know more eventually, Tina. I have a handwritten letter of Marelle’s from just after her son’s death whose contents I can’t yet disclose but will be in the book. Suffice it to say she was disapproving of Beverly but had her theories. The girls, of course, met and spent much time with Beverly. In fact, they went out to visit her and her husband in later years.

        • Tina

          September 14, 2013 at 6:40 am

          Thanks for this news Robert !

  2. Robzak

    September 9, 2013 at 1:04 am

    The film has many good reasons to see it. That’s not being fair to it before you do, Tim. The filmmakers right up front told me that they thought Florence was “the ultimate unreliable narrator.” These guys know what they’re doing. As for Sean, he is not portrayed in the film but Rory’s son, Sean Rio, has a small part.

    • Tim

      September 9, 2013 at 9:46 am

      Frankly, Robert, I don’t know if the “Last of Robin Hood” screenplay & film is based exclusively on Florence Aadland’s “The Big Love”, or if it may also have drawn on some or all of what Earl Conrad so fortunately left us in “Memoir of Errol Flynn”. The point I made is that I believe the “Memoir of Errol Flynn” provides a much better basis for a great movie than does the Aadland account, which, I believe, provides only a very shallow and self-servingly inaccurate storyline. Thus, I hope the new film corrects and augments Aadland’s account – most preferably with the largely first-hand, readily-available and trustworthy wealth of fascinating facts, observations, and analyses, in Earl Conrad’s great memoir. I see nothing unfair about that. Indeed, what would be unfair is if the filmmakers do not fully and accurately utilize the great story available to them through Conrad, instead relying only on Florence Aadland’s woefully incomplete and unreliable account. The directors’ own pornographic and agenda-driven histories make these concerns particularly important to address – before all editing, promotion, and distribution is done.

      I imagine you, too ,Robert, must recognize that Conrad’s book is far superior to Aadland’s. Of course, Aadland’s book adds some usable facts and viewpoints, too – just not nearly as many, nor as reliably. What I’m saying is that it would be a shame if the screenwriters/directors have not adopted more predominantly the much more full, truthful and fascinating account that Earl Conrad makes available.


    September 9, 2013 at 1:28 pm

    Thank you, Robzak and Tim for you insights and info. And especially to you, Tim, for posting the link to the article about Beverly’s and her mother’s life after Flynn. I now feel Susan Sarandon is the perfect choice to play Florence. With such distinguished actors as Kline, Fanning and Ms, the cast “The Last of Robin Hood” should prove very interesting no matter the source material. Also as I have stated before. This is a movie and “any resemblance to anyone living or dead is merely coincidental” even if the movie is “based on a true story!”–A. R.

    • Robzak

      September 9, 2013 at 3:24 pm

      Yes I do see Conrad’s much greater value to the syory line, but the filmmakers went several sources. Keep in mind that, despite the ttle, the film is essentialy a story about Beverly’s narrative and easily matches Flynn for drama. Though we here are his fans it’s not all about him when it comes to filmmakers looking for dramatic material.

      • Robzak

        September 9, 2013 at 3:27 pm

        Actually, A-R, that line you continue to remind us of only applies to fictional films or films loosely based on real people and events. This film documents real people and real events and can not be considered fiction.

        • ILIKEFLYNN

          September 9, 2013 at 6:23 pm

          Ah, so this is really a documentary? I merely keep reminding everyone that this is only a movie. The actors are merely playing roles, so their interpretation of events is merely how they see the characters and not necessarily how others see the real life participants in these events, or even that the events occurred as they appear in the film. If the film brings about a better understanding of these real life people than the actors have done their part and we are richer for it. And we can only hope that the movie is a success. Case in point the movie “Lovelace” vs. the documentary “Inside ‘Deep Throat”!–A. R.

    • Tim

      September 9, 2013 at 5:52 pm

      My pleasure, A.R.

      With her experiences as Annie Savoy in Bull Durham, then in real life with Tim Robbins, and now her latest boyfriend, Lady Susan sure has a leg up on the competition when it comes to knowing about robbing the cradle(s)! Indeed, I think I read that her replacement for Robbins is 30-years younger than is she!! Heck, maybe they should be making this movie about Couger Lili’ herself – not Errol!

      And, of course, Kevin Kline is great. And Dakota certainly has a great deal of experience for her age, and a good physical resemblance to Woodsie.

      Yes, the cast is strong! And that will most definitely help the project. Plus, we’ve got Robert to keep things on track!



        September 9, 2013 at 6:28 pm

        Thanks for posting the photo of the cast and I’m sure Rob will do his best to make sure everything rings true, given the collaborative art that is motion picture making.–A. R.

        • Robzak

          September 10, 2013 at 3:43 am

          Though it doesn’t seem my insider reports have budged anyone from the “they were formally gay porn directors” to all non-documentaries inherently having to attach the qualifier “any resemblance to…..” A lot of defensiveness in the air. Unbridled fan-hood is a tough thing to puncture.

          • Tim

            September 10, 2013 at 10:04 am

            It is inaccurate and insulting, Robert, to mis-portray and ridicule well-evidenced observations, questions and concerns regarding the obviously questionable backgrounds of this film’s writers & directors as some sort of ignorant “defensiveness” and “unbridled fandom” that must be “punctured”. Perhaps you don’t see hard-core pornographic and agenda-driven histories of any filmmakers as something to be wary of, but please don’t malign those of us who do. Wash Westmoreland’s history with a criminally-and-sexually bizarre Yugoslavian “religious” cult raises yet another red flag – as does his reported New Orleans marriage to a freak show bearded lady while illegally working in America. (Yes, I said bearded lady.) Wash now apparently claims he was brainwashed into the cult and otherwise just experimenting/ researching in the hard core porn industry (and with bearded ladies I suppose), but doesn’t his history appear more than “somewhat unusual”, and rightfully compel some scrutiny, Robert? Or is Hollywood really that far gone?

            I wasn’t expecting Frank Capra or Michael Cutiz to direct the film, bu please don’t dismiss or underestimate the importance of people standing up and speaking out about such notable potential faults and dangers. Such vigilance is important. Errol’s legacy deserves it. Without such vigilance, there are producers & directors with such backgrounds that would love to purposely mis-portray Errol – perhaps as some kind of underground gay, or Nazi spy – perhaps as both. As you know, it’s been done before – and it will be done again – most often by pathologically small, greedy, jealous, and/or sexually-disturbed low-life, Chuck Pigham & J. Edna Hoover among them.

            I’ll add, too, that – even with Hollywood heavyweights Kevin Kline, Susan Sarandon & Dakota Fanning – it’s going to be an uphill battle trying to make a great movie primarily based on the Aadland story. Regardless of any alternate direction taken, everyone knows that its Flynn’s life that’s the far more interesting and appealing story. The very title confirms that fact.

            The Aadlands were merely rather insignificant sideshows, almost only footnotes, a couple of minor league yoko onos – no All Star herself – only very briefly appearing with and in one of the Greatest Shows on Earth – the Life & Adventures of Errol Flynn.

            I hope the movie gets everything right and proves a great success. Nevertheless, focusing more on Flynn than the Aadlands, as did Conrad, would have been much better, IMO. If it does not very skillfully present the full picture of Errol’s life & greatness, this new take on “The Big Love” could (again, as did did on Broadway) end up “A Big Flop”. Let’s hope not.

            I know, of course, there’s always a market for salacious faux-celebrity tripe. I see it every time I’m on line at the grocery, and when I’m surfing the cable. This pic might capitalize on that culture (at Errol’s expense), but, then again, it may prove not quite provocative enough for those weaned on Jerry Springer. As Flo so preciously defended herself & her Baby Bev in the photo caption below: “After all, we weren’t nude.”


      • timerider

        September 12, 2013 at 4:49 pm

        Jeepers Creepers, It’s Woodsy’s twin sister! Great cast!

  4. Tim

    September 10, 2013 at 12:16 pm

    Back in Toronto – from “The Big Chill” to “The Big Love” – the great Kevin Kline, with very brief but brilliant insight regarding Errol’s “voracious, insatiable hunger for life” and “quasi-tragic” end, today’s decline of popular culture, dearth of quality films, difficulty finding good roles, and why he took the title role in “Last of Robin Hood”:…

    • Tina

      September 12, 2013 at 7:58 pm

      I like very much what Kevin Kline says about Errol in this interview!

  5. Tim

    September 10, 2013 at 8:26 pm

    Well, it looks like the first reviews are just arriving – at least this is the first I’ve seen. If this review is accurate, the movie is not great, but Kevin & Susan excelled:…


    • Robzak

      September 10, 2013 at 9:00 pm

      These early reviews just go to show that all the folderol here has been a lot of tempest in a teacup. The whole point is that the film should be seen first before skewering, and measured on its merits, not who made it or whom that maker once married.

      Anyone reading this thread would come away thinking that the professional wisdom of Kline and Sarandon count for nothing, only the wisdom of blog fans.

      I have spent a lifetime entrenched, more than anyone else I daresay (ask David), in all things Errol Flynn, from the study, research, collecting, following in his footsteps internationally, even journeying to scores of location around the world that his movies were filmed, culminating in a now-700 page illustrated chronology of his day-by-day- life, and never once have I ever lost sight of the fact that this is a movie star. Not a religious icon or hero of Normandy. We begin to sound like teeny boppers squabbling over our favorite hottie, for goodness sake. Isn’t a little perspective in order?

      Also, I’m surprised that this give-and-take of disagreement should be seen as insult, but in this day and age of the easily insulted perhaps I shouldn’t be. I may be forthright but I have my boundaries, and insult is rarely utilized. Nor is ad hominem (Charles Pigham, J. Edna Hoover), however despicable I consider someone. It doesn’t publicly represent one well when doing this.

      P.S. Has the irony occurred to anyone else here that the ever adventurous Flynn himself would no doubt have found interesting and amusing someone from a cult who married a bearded lady?!

      • Tim

        September 10, 2013 at 9:23 pm

        I’ll judge the film for myself, Robert, but these early reviews certainly don’t suggest great direction. You seem to have a great deal of emotional investment in this film. I sympathize with that. But, once again – no matter how “entrenched” you are – it’s wrong to hurl such reckless insults at others, especially at good people rightfully aiming to properly protect Flynn’s legacy, and most especially so with such a condescending, know-it-all attitude – boastfully & quite erroneously professing superiority to all of us.

        You obviously believe, Robert, that – despite all the evidence available -no one has a right or ability to question, expect concerns, or criticizeany aspect of the making of this film, unless and until (possibly) they have already seen it. That is incorrect. Indeed, the reviews I have seen so far are FAR more consistent with my suspicions, concerns, and predictions, than with your self-described “insider” assessments and assurances. Perhaps you’re too close to and invested in the film.

        And, yes, Flynn would definitely find it hysterical and have fun with the richly outlandish fact that a Hollywood director married a bearded lady. But, like me, he would not choose/want that particular director to tell the story of his life & death. At best, he might recommend him for “The Bruce Cabot Story”.

        BTW, I just read the entire film was shot in Atlanta. Is that true? When one makes a movie about the Errol Flynn, one should go first class – on a world class yacht , not a dinghy. Using Atlanta to portray all the dramatically different and pivotal locales in Errol’s life in the years preceding his death sounds like a titanic mistake to me. Think how much the true exotic setting of Jamaica, the hills and haunts of Hollywood, seeing Zaca moored in the majestic Mediterranean, would have added to the film!

        Sorry your feelings were hurt by my humorous (and quite apropos) references to Chuck & Edna. Flynn would have found them funny, too.

        • Robzak

          September 10, 2013 at 10:21 pm

          That’s all I’ve ever asked: to judge the film WHEN you see it, not before. And the issue was never over whether it would be a great film, only that it wouldn’t be the trash predicted by many in the Flynn community. That no one so far has reviewed it so is some testimony to being far from the Hollywood gutter.

          Again, in a good give-and-take I don’t see why some light brawling between men should be seen as “insults.” And if I’ve hurled any–which I haven’t–they would not be reckless. Please reread my carefully worded posts. What’s wrong is hurling insults at the film before seeing it!

          My air may seem condescending because of the growing frustration of, after having been involved with the project and having seen the first screening, dealing with the many questions and fears addressed here, yet still being confronted with the most irrelevant aspects of the film and the presumptions of it being junk.

          Wrongfully? How do you know?

          None of us have any idea what Flynn would think of the choice of director, certainly not at the end of his life. After all, he chose the questionable road he finally traveled; it wasn’t cast upon him.

          My feeling are not easily hurt, and being a member of an actual group called “The Unoffendables” it’s also hard to offend me. What point you seemed to have missed is that using trite names to refer to unsavory characters should be beneath the style of this blog, let alone general public discourse. Sorry to “insult” again.

          • HHDavis

            September 10, 2013 at 10:56 pm

            I agree that it is best to wait and see about the film. I think of this picture as being akin to _Too Much, Too Soon_, a based-on-history film that was at times celebratory and at times unkind to both John & Diana Barrymore. Flynn’s portrayal of his old friend (a performance which I think is one of Flynn’s finest) helps temper some of the negative portrayal made of the Barrymores in it (and it was based on Diana’s memoir), but it does show some warts. This film will likely open up some controversial discussion of Errol Flynn, and it will be up to us as fans and purveyors of Flynn’s legacy to combat the negativity then. I, for one, think Kevin Kline is one of the best possible actors to cast in this role.

          • Tim

            September 11, 2013 at 12:28 am

            Yes, wrongfully and erroneously, Robert. You are NOT superior to all of us. I know. Indeed, the very tone and content of your discussions here confirm that.

            And your air does not only “seem” condescending, it IS (deliberately) condescending, as manifested by the insulting tone and issuances you apparently have been using so long you don’t even recognize their existence.

            I regret you are frustrated, but that’s certainly not my fault, doing, or responsibility – so don’t take your frustrations out on me.

            Finally, I stand by my well-evidenced and well-founded concern that anybody, of any stripe, who bounces from a criminal and sexually perverted cult, to marrying a bearded lady, to writing & directing hard-core gay porn movies, and God-knows-what-else, is most likely the wrong man to direct this film about Errol Flynn. Just because you worked with and for him doesn’t change that one bit. And you shouldn’t try to mislead, discredit and intimidate people on this blog or anywhere else because of their offering opinions contrary to your own – particularly well-reasoned ones.

            BTW, if, according to you, these concerns about the directors’ extremely strange and inappropriate backgrounds are so misplaced, then why were these parts of their histories not included in any of the film’s publicity releases. Clearly, they are trying to hide this history from the movie-going public. Why didn’t you provide any “insider reports” on any of this bizarre history? Did you not know? Or, like them, did you decide to withhold that obviously relevant and embarrassing information?

            From the early reviews, it looks to me like these directors were indeed not sufficiently qualified or suited to make a great film about Errol Flynn. Looks, too, the movie may end a up an artistic mediocrity, and a great waste of talent. For the sake of Errol’s legacy, I truly hope not, but that’s looking like a tragic possibility.

            • Robzak

              September 11, 2013 at 1:23 am

              I never once implied that *I* am superior to anyone here. For *I* am not. Far from it.

              • Tim

                September 11, 2013 at 1:39 am

                Okay then. We should all move forward, fully respecting each other’s knowledge, talents & contributions. I, for one, regard yours very highly, Robert.

                • Robzak

                  September 11, 2013 at 2:48 am

                  And yours, too, sir.

                  • Tim

                    September 11, 2013 at 3:01 am

                    Thank you, Robert. It’s great having someone of your caliber here for Errol! An honor and a pleasure.

      • Tina

        September 12, 2013 at 8:00 pm

        Hi Robert, did you see the movie?

        • Robzak

          September 12, 2013 at 8:04 pm

          Yes, Tina, and worked as consultant on it in various ways.

          • Tina

            September 12, 2013 at 11:57 pm

            Hi Robert;
            That is great! I know you worked as a consultant on it I read it today on your earlier comments. I am sure you must have enjoyed this work. Very rewarding to pass on knowledge where it is going to be of great service to the public to see the right and correct story.
            Anyway, I am going to see it tomorrow, Friday 13th (Lucky day, the 13th anyway – for the Europeans and as I am one it’s going to be great movie) at the Scotia Bank Theatre on Richmond Street. Maybe Kevin is there? Would be great!

            If I know this earlier that they will show the movie at the TIFF – Toronto International Film Festival I would have bought tickets for the opening and closing where all the stars attend. Only when I saw the picture on the blog with Kevin, Susan and Dakota and the TIFF logo behind it I clued in. It’s the World Premier here in Toronto if I would have missed it I would have been very angry with myself. I was very sick all last month with a horrible flu and in bed for weeks so I was not up to par what was going on.
            I will let you and all the members know how I liked the movie.
            Take care!

            • Robzak

              September 13, 2013 at 7:32 pm

              Good for you, Tina. I don’t think you’ll get to read this before you go, but if I may, a recommendation: Try not to view the film through the eyes of of an Errol Flynn fan. Doing so, you’ll inevitably watch with a mental checklist of “why did they do it that way?” or “why didn’t they include this?” or “that jacket was never one he wore,” and that’s a good way to ruin the enjoyment of the film as pure film. Believe me, there are things I would have done differently and some mistakes I found, but had I only focused on those things I would not have enjoyed the film. It’s a good film, not made for Flynn fans, but for a wider audience who might find the peculiar dance of three peculiar people a fascinating thing to watch unfold.

  6. Tim

    September 10, 2013 at 8:50 pm

    Oh, well, here’s another – this one from the Hollywood Reporter. What a shame – it could have been/should have been so great:…


      September 10, 2013 at 9:01 pm

      The review only makes me want to see it even more. I only hope it gets sufficient distribution that we can see it, and that it does not end up like “The Road to Freedom” which got barely any distribution at all.–A. R.

      • Tim

        September 10, 2013 at 9:32 pm

        I’ll certainly be seeing it, A.R. Who knows – despite the reviews, and long odds – it might be great. And if it’s worthy, I hope, too, it gets the widest distribution possible. Sounds like Kline & Sarandon did well.

    • Inga

      September 11, 2013 at 5:44 am

      It seems that this review is criticising what many Flynn films would like – the direction being old-fashioned, as if the movie was made in the 1950s. For me, this would be a plus! Well, I just hope I get a chance to see it here in Germany…
      And I also wanted to say: I have no idea about the background of the filmmakers, but shouldn’t we give everyone a chance of “becoming better”? It’s like telling someone who was in prison that he will stay a criminal forever… which, in many cases, is not true. So let’s just wait and see (and produce a German version). I agree with Lollie that I hardly ever agree with official movie reviews!

      • Tim

        September 11, 2013 at 12:50 pm

        It certainly would be wonderful if the film had the magic of those old Flynn films, Inga. Wouldn’t that be great!! And if it does then it should be over to Germany in no time!!

        I’m most looking forward to seeing Kline & Sarandon. I’m concerned that land-locked Atlanta was not the best choice for an Errol Flynn film, especially one that’s supposed to depict so many exotic locations. I would have loved to see at least some of the real locations in Errol’s later life – most especially exotic Jamaica & Cuba – and sailing the Med on the real Zaca! Wow, would that have added some punch. Would have loved to seen the Baron of Mulholland reminiscing in his old Hollywood Hills, looking up and longing for his wondrous old estate, making his last rounds of the old haunts, … Would have loved that! But let’s hope the directors and cinematographer were able to replicate that.

        • Inga

          September 11, 2013 at 4:33 pm

          Tim, I guess it was a question of money. Also, I cannot imagine that Patrice would have agreed to the crew filming THIS subject over in Jamaica!!

          • Tim

            September 11, 2013 at 8:33 pm

            Alrighty then! How about a couple of nice scenes of and on the Zaca – with Kline at the helm?? – especially since the Zaca figures so prominently in the last years of Errol’s life – and trip to Vancouver. That shouldn’t be too prohibitedly costly to rent and sail! (Unless you try to sail it in Atlanta!!) Hope that’s in there!


            • Inga

              September 12, 2013 at 5:33 am

              ouh, I think renting the Zaca would cost a fortune, too!!

              • Tim

                September 12, 2013 at 6:00 am

                Budget not big enough for a day trip on the Zaca!?!

                …. How about a half-hour on the Sepik??


            • timerider

              September 12, 2013 at 4:57 pm

              Ya’ll can take it all but I want HIS Yacht! LOL! 5 or more sheets to the wind! Later gators!

            • Tina

              September 12, 2013 at 8:50 pm

              Hi Tim;
              I think Beverly never was on the Zaca?
              As documented on the Internet and on the blog under “Ships & the Sea”.
              Errol never brought the Zaca back home, he left her in Majorca at the RCNP the Real Club Nautico de Palma.

              She was found rotting and abandoned in the south of France by Robert Memmo in 1990.

              The ZACA has a life of her own, a distinct Survivor and a heart of Endurance how otherwise could she has survive 30 long years of neglect after her Captain’s passing!

              Zaca was in Palma de Mallorca in her berth at the RCNP in Palma de Mallorca Yacht Club and the crew kept her maintained, but soon Patrice encountered financial problems. The lawyers kept Errol’s estate for 14 years in probate for what reason is the biggest mystery. Unfair practices where suspected in particular how was it possible for the attorneys to consign the Zaca to English millionaire playboy Freddie Tinsley before the estate is released from probate and being one of a major asset. Freddie Tinsley apparently was confident to sell her in France, instead he stripped her of every conceivable value she had and left her totally stripped abandoned in 1965 at a marina in Villefranche.

              So a scene in the movie with Beverly on the Zaca would have been rather impossible.
              Unless somebody has proof that she was on the yacht——-

              • Tim

                September 12, 2013 at 9:39 pm

                Excellent summary, Tina. Thank you. … I certainly don’t recall ever seeing Woodsie on the Zaca, either. Even so, I feel it could add a lot to the film if the yacht is shown – perhaps in a flashback-type scene, perhaps in some other fashion. Not only because it figured so significantly in Errol’s life, by also because it’s central to the story behind his death. Indeed, I wouldn’t be surprised if his having to give up the Zaca contributed to his death.

              • Robzak

                September 13, 2013 at 4:18 am

                Beverly’s husband told me she claimed she was on the yacht once and he had always assumed it was in San Francisco. When I told him it never returned to America we concluded the visit probably took place on the way back to the continent from filming “Roots Of Heaven” in Africa.

                And now does anyone want to join me in a campaign to stop all the suggestions of what this film “SHOULD have been?”

                • Inga

                  September 13, 2013 at 5:49 am

                  I will! And I will open a campaign to bring this film to Germany so that I get a chance to see it!!!

                  • Tim

                    September 13, 2013 at 2:12 pm

                    I hope the movie is great and you get to see it soon, Inga!

                • Tim

                  September 13, 2013 at 9:42 am

                  A Campaign to Stop Free Speech, Robert? Sounds inherently contradictory. Please register my free-speech objection to that one! Prohibiting – especially on an Errol Flynn Site – what could be good in a movie about Errol Flynn? Sounds Stalinistic to me.


                  • Tim

                    September 13, 2013 at 9:51 am

                    This new, misguided campaign to suppress any suggestions of what would be good for “Last of Robin Hood” indicates that it may not be including any footage of the Zaca. I hope that is not true, as that would obviously be a tremendous addition to the film. As all of us here know, Errol truly loved & treasured the Zaca. And it’s so readily available!

                    Speaking of movies starring Kevin Kline, I remember seeing during my first years in California a small group of self-identified stutterers outside a theater in Hillcrest, San Diego, protesting the showing of “A Fish Called Wanda”. They were holding signs and marching in a circle, campaigning to stop people and Hollywood from making fun of stutterers. I absolutely understand their concerns and support their right to have protested the film. I also enjoyed the movie very much and regard it one of Kevin Kline’s best roles.


      • Lollie

        The Real Person!

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        The Real Person!

        Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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        September 11, 2013 at 1:09 pm

        I really hope it gets a good release everywhere too so that I can see it here in Australia.I guess though that even if it goes straight to dvd that will still be good as it should be easy enough to find a copy.I am really looking forward to seeing it also,though not the final scenes as it will be extremely sad of course.I never listen to movie reviews as most of the time I find that the ones they rave about are terrible and vice versa.But because it is about Errol I am very curious and interested to see it. :)

        • Tim

          September 11, 2013 at 1:40 pm

          It certainly can be tricky gauging a film only via film reviews, Lollie! I hope thie early ones from Toronto are accurate in their positive assessments of the performances of Kevin Kline & Susan Sarandon. No surprise here, of course, that those two would be good!! Let’s hope all else in and behind the film can match those two!! … I would love to see in the film some Down Under flashback shots – from Tasmania, Sydney & New Guinea – with Errol recalling his early days. That would be wonderful!!!

          • Lollie

            The Real Person!

            Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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            The Real Person!

            Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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            September 11, 2013 at 2:00 pm

            I agree Tim,that would be great. :)

  7. Kathleen

    September 11, 2013 at 5:44 am


    The film’s real-life character, Ronnie Shedio, served as a personal assistant to Errol Flynn and also as a consultant to the movie’s directors before his death in 2007

    Beverly Aadland’s third husband, Ron Fisher; his daughter, Aadlanda; and her daughter, Navaeh, visited the set in Atlanta and played extras in an airport scene.

    It took Glatzer and partner Wash Westmoreland 10 years to track down the interview tapes Florence Aadland had made for her book The Big Love’.

    Co-director/co-writer Richard Glatzer developed a neurological disorder depriving him of speech during the making of the movie and had to speak by using his iPad.…

    • Tim

      September 11, 2013 at 1:23 pm

      Thanks, Kathleen! So good to know that inside stuff – fun and often helpful to a better understanding of the film.

      I enjoy also researching and comparing contemporaneous to subsequent accounts of a story. Here’s one concerning circumstances behind Errol’s burial – involving Patrice, “Vulture” Beverly , “Mommie Weirdest” Flo, and Ronnie Shedlo “Brandishing a Cane Against the Barbarians”, as well as the only true star – even in death – the Great Flynn:…

      And another:


      • Kathleen

        September 12, 2013 at 3:25 am

        Whatever happened to Ronald Shedloe? Thanks for posting this.

        • Tim

          September 12, 2013 at 5:32 am

          He died in London, in April 2007, Kathleen.

          Here is a tribute/obituary written by a British friend of his:


          • Inga

            September 12, 2013 at 9:23 am

  … would be an interesting recording?

            • Tim

              September 12, 2013 at 12:24 pm

              Great find, Inga! And with the great Jack Cardiff, no less!!


      • timerider

        September 12, 2013 at 5:00 pm

        Looks as if Flo missed her acting debut! LOL! A tear for whom?

  8. David DeWitt

    September 11, 2013 at 7:06 pm

    I am glad to see that Robert’s and Tim’s discussion back and forth has ended in peaceful respect for each other. That is exactly how we usually conduct ourselves on this blog, even though, at times, things get a bit overly contentious. We are all human, but do try to maintain a higher standard of respect for each other than on many blogs, and I am very pleased to see the respectful resolution between you two. I have always held out hope that the film will surprise us despite many dour forecasts. I do this, only because I have not yet seen it, and only when I have will I know what what slant was taken with the material. It is, doubtless, Flynn’s lowest period. But it is part of the story of Errol Flynn and so there it is, warts and all, no pun intended for those who know what I mean … Beverly had a hell of a time after Flynn’s death, but Ron Fisher ended all of that for her; she has a lovely daughter, and grandchild and I wish she was still with us to enjoy them. She was someone with great spirit, and like Errol, not afraid to live life to the fullest. Hopefully, this film will show people that their relationship was a love story, a wild thing, but a love story, with honest feelings between them. What happiness Errol enjoyed in his last two years was due to that relationship. I hope this film makes that clear …

    • Tim

      September 11, 2013 at 7:56 pm

      Thanks so much, David. With my thoughts expressed, I wanted to remove my posts, but have now learned that will erase subsequent posts as well. So, let the record stand that I VERY highly respect Robert and believe he’s a great treasure on this site and all things Flynn.

      Should emphasize here that I am not by any means advocating that Errol’s story be bowdlerized in any way. What I believe is that, ideally, it would have been much better (artistically & otherwise) to focused on Errol, much more so than on Beverly, as did Earl Conrad’s extraordinary “Memoir of Errol Flynn”. In my view, using instead Florence Aadland’s narrative in “The Big Love” was the wrong choice. The real story is Flynn, with Beverly having a much smaller role – as Conrad readily saw. And – back to your “warts and all” point! – Conrad gets much deeper into Errol’s flaws and failures than does “The Big Love” – but he does it with a much broader and insightful view and analyses of Errol’s whole life and philosophy. Florence Aadland being so narrowly concerned about her own small part in Flynn’s life, “The Big Love”, in my view, misses the big picture of Flynn’s greatness.

      I understand that Beverly managed somehow to rise above all the mess, Good for her!!! And best wishes to her family. It really speaks so wonderfully of her that she was motivated and able to put all the tragedy behind her. And, as I understand it, never complained once to the world about Errol. How great is that! … Errol certainly saw and had a very special spirit in her.

      As Kevin Kline confirms,”He lived a very full life”:

      • timerider

        September 12, 2013 at 5:07 pm

        That’s and understatement Tim! Errol Leslie packed 200 years into 50!

        My Gawd Capt, there be writers here! That’s OK Scotty! That’s why we have editors! LOL!

        • Tim

          September 12, 2013 at 9:26 pm

          200 action-packed ones, at least, TimeRider! We might need to add another zero at the end of that!

          He outdid Odysseus!!

    • Lollie

      The Real Person!

      Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      The Real Person!

      Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      September 13, 2013 at 10:10 am

      Hopefully, this film will show people that their relationship was a love story, a wild thing, but a love story, with honest feelings between them. What happiness Errol enjoyed in his last two years was due to that relationship. I hope this film makes that clear …
      Well said.Errol & Beverly really did seem to make each other happy and were very genuine about each other.Looking at some of the later photos of Errol,he looks so sad sometimes,so just knowing that he had her with him is good to know.

  9. Robzak

    September 14, 2013 at 12:14 am

  10. Inga

    September 14, 2013 at 11:17 am

    Tina, thanks for that wonderful and profound review! It’s good to hear from you, too! I think you should create a new post so that future readers find it more easily and can add comments.

    • Tina

      September 14, 2013 at 4:54 pm

      Hi Inga;
      I feel much better again with this horrible flu – I think the film put new life into me – hahaha – it’s good to be on the blog again.

      Thank you very much for your nice compliment and advise, very much appreciated. I am glad you like my review, at least it is how I feel about the movie and how it made me feel.

      Good idea, I will make a new posting for my review.
      I really would like our members to read it and give their comments and questions.

      Also I have to add a paragraph, an idea which came to me last night and missed to think off it at the time of writing.
      Like I said – hindsight is 20/20 vision, luckily on the blog we can correct it.
      Take care – bis bald!

      • Inga

        September 15, 2013 at 5:45 am

        It must have been the film, so there’s another positive effect of it – giving energy back to our dear Tina! Take care and hope you’ll be 100% ok again soon! The flu seems to be going around at the moment… best wishes to all who are affected right now. Luckily we can’t get it via the internet.

        • Tina

          September 15, 2013 at 5:40 pm

          Thanks Inga!
          You now the saying: ” Unkraut verdirbt nicht – Miststück stirbt nicht !” Yeah – that’s me!

          • Inga

            September 16, 2013 at 6:11 pm

            Luckily, you’ve proved that more than once! I only knew the first part of the saying though! Thanks for teaching me the second!

    • Tina

      September 15, 2013 at 5:33 pm

      Hi Inga;
      I did create the new post of my write up and now you can transfer your comment to the post.
      I just wonder if anybody is going to read it?

  11. Tim

    September 14, 2013 at 3:39 pm

    Thanks you so much for your wonderful, heartfelt review, Tina! So very cool you could get to see the film in Toronto!!

    Great to hear that Kevin Kline lived up to all our expectations that he would play his part so well! And Susan Sarandon, too – what a juicy role for her!! I wasn’t expecting as much as you report from Dakota Fanning, but I’m very happy to hear you enjoyed her. Perhaps my expectations with her are mixed in with my feelings that Earl Conrad’s depiction of Beverly was/is more accurate of her (as she was in those days) than was Florence Aadland’s, upon which much of the film is apparently based.

    In defense of Conrad, I must say that I did not detect that he had any ill-feelings of any type toward Beverly, or that he was trying to profit from portraying her salaciously. To the contrary, I thought he found and depicted her endearing in many ways, but nonetheless he objectively evaluated her as quite deliberately brash and provocative – even often shocking – and gave credible evidence to back that view up. Personally, I think the facts and evidence are with him. Maybe the directors were obscured and/or influenced by a relationship with a wonderfully transformed Beverly, and her family. I don’t know, but I suspect that could be the case. I do think Earl Conrad was a great biographer of Errol’s life, including of his last years.

    I’m very happy you enjoyed it so and hope we all do as much!

    Thank you, Tina!

    • Tina

      September 15, 2013 at 5:56 pm

      Hi Tim;
      Thank you for your nice comment about my review very much appreciated.
      Inga suggested that I make a new post of my review, which I did. I thought you could maybe transfer your post to it?
      Just a thought ! You only need to copy and paste it and delete this one, I then will answer your comment in more depth.
      In the meantime have a great Sunday!

  12. Tim

    September 14, 2013 at 3:41 pm

    For what it’s worth, here’s how Variety reviews the film:…

  13. Tim

    September 14, 2013 at 3:50 pm

    And how The Wrap sees it:…

    • Tim

      September 14, 2013 at 5:47 pm

      The Wrap review above summarizes in one sentence one of my grave concerns over this film, that is:

      “[s]trong performances aren’t enough to give “The Last of Robin Hood” the style and panache a film about Errol Flynn should have”


      This seems to be a professional criticism of the film, either explicitly and implicitly, sometimes through the overwhelming concensus that, despite Kline’s superb portrayal, it is “made for TV”, destined only for the “small-screen”, or even more hurtfully -“for the “Lifetime” channel. If this is true, what a squandering of great acting talent it would be, and of other great talents, like Robert’s, who I’m sure helped make it much better than it would have been without him there. Once again, Robert, thank you for that.

      For me, and I’m sure others – this is certainly NOT hindsight – this was predictable from the film’s limited scope. It was true for the Broadway take on “The Big Love”. It’s the absolutely amazing life of Errol Flynn that is compelling for a big screen production. In my opinion, even the last, unfortunate years of Errol’s life could have been made a great film – if it primarily employed Earl Conrad’s tremendous account of those last years, with better qualified direction, and with a budget that afforded proper visual reference to the amazing places and things that are an essential part of extraordinary Errol’s greatness and appeal.

      Great thing is, it’s definitely NOT “The Last of Robin Hood”.


  14. nenabunena

    April 12, 2024 at 3:57 am

    The Big Love by Florence Aadland is now available on kindle as well. Wish Nora Eddington’s book would follow the same path.

    I just finished Earl Conrad’s book, an amazing read! Plan on finishing it up with Showdown and Crane Eden after.