Errol and his Yachts!

We all know that Errol had the two Siroccos of which the later Sirocco is really the 'Karenita' who is alive and well and the Zaca, but apparently so I heard, that he had a big range of boats, anything from 30' up.
There was for instance the 'BARBARY' a 16 ton ketch and here are pictures of her – a nice little Beauty – and then read all about her in the link below!


It looks like most of his boat stood for something good, either before him or after him and for a good and famous cause! His choices of boats were great ones as he was!  And more important, they are still cruising on his beloved oceans and he is on them having a hell of a time! 

Your and my job is now is to find the other boats Errol owned in his life, there supposed to be about 20 of them, large and small, so we have our job cut out and for something worthwhile and meaningful as we try to trace his life!…

Please keep searching and add them to his collection on this Blog! It would be great if all our Blog members would participate!  I know we have Master Sleuths amongst us!  I would love to hear from all of you and after this task I have a wonderful prize for you it will tickle you pink!
Have fun!

— Tina

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