“Beside Errol Flynn”

This is a wonderful song by Amanda McBroom the daughter of Hollywood actor David Bruce!  It is very moving and touching – very worthwhile to listen too.  A quite different tribute to Errol, but a very nice tribute! Enjoy!


Attached is David Bruce's picture for you to recall him as Errol's friend and in his movies!

I contacted Amanda McBroom through her website to ask her if she composed the song and if she had some memorabilia to add to the blog:

Amanda's Reply:

Dear Tina:
Thank you for your lovely e-mail.
I wrote the song, called ERROL FLYNN, with a man named Gordon Hunt,
father of actress Helen Hunt, as a tribute to  my father, David Bruce.
They did several movies together in the 30's and 40's and were very
close friends. I don't remember ever meeting him. I was quite young when
Errol died, but I know my father was very fond of him. The song is directly connected to “Santa Fe Trail”. that was the movie poster
Gordon and I both had hanging on our walls which inspired us to write
the song.
I am glad you enjoy it.

David Bruce (left) in “Santa Fe Trail”!

Now my dear Blog readers one thing is very interesting in Amanda's reply – it is Gordon Hunt her co-composer, father of Helen Hunt.  A-ha –  was it Helen Hunt who purchased Errol's Mulholland Farm?  Did she ordered the removal of Errol's house?  Did she build her house on the very spot Errol's house stood?  Did she sold it then to Justin Timberlake who owns it now.  Anybody have the correct answers???

— Tina

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