Posts Tagged ‘victimization’

Why was Errol maligned so much?

03 Feb

Why was Errol maligned so much by the media and some authors alike? All because of womanizing or his practical jokes? What otherwise did he do so wrong to deserve all this slander and mockery he had to endure?

He never attacked anybody unless he defended himself. He was a great charmer! He had great manners! He did no real harm to anybody!

What is your opinion and or inside information?

Below is one opinion by Luis Kraft:
Unscrupulous writer-historians and how they dupe their readers▪

I) I’ve struggled trying to decide if I should be vague or be specific and take people to task who push their agendas at the cost of truth. They create fictions and lies and often their cited documentation is a fabrication or worse. There is a war going on and I’m in the middle of it. If I opt for the second approach all hell will break out (at least for me).

II) It is now looking like this blog will become two blogs: 1) Indian wars, and 2) Film history. Reason: Information blasted over social media often deals with my very small world of historical research and writing. Some of the information I’m stumbling upon online and reading in printed form is shocking. Unfortunately people (I can’t call them historians; if I did I would choke) gobble up this misinformation and reprint it as if it is fact.
Louis Kraft

Here is a wonderful link to Louis Kraft’s site and about Errol.…

— Tina


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