Tag Archives: Adventure

The Errol of the 18th Century

John Wilkes (1725 to 1797). Born in London to a middle class family, he was a journalist, writer, libertine, poet, adventurer, wit, radical MP, womaniser, duellist, fighter against oppression, and one of the first media celebrities. Wilkes was also the most successful womaniser we English ever produced (at any rate, he was the most famous). He even managed to pinch Casanova’s favourite mistress, which the Italian… (more…)

Errol, Robin Hood and The Red Earl

When Errol was in Mexico in the 1930s and visited the house of the renowned Marxist artist Diego Rivera, he met his then assistant, a moustachioed Englishman, who introduced himself as Jack Hastings. His full name, however, was Francis John Clarence Westenra Plantagenet Hastings, 16th Earl of Huntingdon, one of the oldest titles in England. In Britain, Hastings was known as the ‘Red… (more…)

A Kitty Packard Pictorial of Errol Flynn

Hello Flynn Fans! I thought I post this link as it is a very nice write-up about Errol. kittypackard.com…… Enjoy! — Tina

Errol and Olivia on the cover of “American Cinematographer” Magazine – June, 1938

This is the June, 1938 cover of the “American Cinematographer” Magazine with Errol and Olivia in their costumes from “the Adventures of Robin Hood”. — Mary Ann