Olivia and Me! Rory Flynn…

I traveled to Paris in Sept., and had the great privilege of  meeting Ms. Olivia de Haviland, who welcomed me into her beautiful  home with champagne and treats. I brought my dear friend Cooky, my brothers girlfriend, who is like my sister and who knows my family so well. We talked about my Dad. I told her stories and she told me stories.… (more…)

Rory & Sean Flynn visit Tasmania for the 100th Centenary Celebrations!

The long journey down to Tasmania was the 3rd in seven months for me and this was the preparation that had been in the works for 1 and 1/2 years for The Errol Flynn Centenary Celebration… put together by so many people starting with e-mails from Steve and Genene from the Errol Flynn Society, always sweet and thoughtful, that I soon warmed to them and understood… (more…)