
Have you ever noticed how nice members of this blog are? I have noticed over the years that this is almost always the case. This may have something to do with us, but I think a huge part of it has to do with the man we honor. I think there is something about him which invokes certain feelings in… (more…)

Trial Run

I am doing this as a trial run. I frequently have comments, but I have been stymied by my computer ignorance. Fortuneately, David has taken pity on me, and explained to me (again!) how to post, so here goes! If I am truly able to get on, I will start doing so more often (fair warning!). Please, if you ever… (more…)

‘The Year of Living Dangerously’

There is mention of Errol in today’s Washington Post. There was an obituary of Christopher J. Koch, the author of  ‘ The Year of Living Dangerously’. Apparently, Mr. Koch’s mother went to high school in Tasmania with Errol Flynn. Mr. Koch later went to the same high school and sat at a desk in which Errol’s initials were carved. Later,… (more…)

John Wayne

Never heard an answer to my John Wayne question. Is there a record of them knowing each other, and, if so, how did they regard one another?  Kevin — kevin kiernan

I'm relieved. I didn't understand it anyway ( computer challenged).  Keep up the great work – a wonderful blog – it really adds to my day. Kevin — kevin kiernan

Earl Conrad

Seems accurate – how sad! — kevin kiernan

John Wayne

Does anyone know if Errol and John Wayne knew each other, and ,if so, how they regarded one another? kevin kiernan — kevin kiernan