Original Errol Flynn costume Jacket for sale on E- Bay !!!

Hi Folks         Here is something that really should be in the Museum in Tasmania, or perhaps in your possession ?Anyway it looks genuine, here's the link….if i had the money I'd bid for it myself. www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GENUINE-ERROL-FLYNN-MOVIE-JACKET-/170668689193?pt=UK_DVD_Film_TV_Film_Memorabilia_LE&hash=item27bca58729… RegardsDarren — InlikeFlynn


Hi Folks You may remember some time ago before Christmas, Crossed Swords was released on Dvd Officially in a brand new remastered print. There has since been some confusion due to other lesser quality versions previously available, as to whether the new release is as good as reported by some fans on here and other sites, including myself. Well if… (more…)

Crossed Swords Dvd Review

For many fans of Errol Flynn, this movie has been a Holy Grail quest, to find a decent print and own it on Dvd. I for one have been one of those fans who has seen a few varying quality versions over the years, none of which have been easy to enjoy, due to washed out colour,poor definition and generally… (more…)

Hello and Crossed Swords

Hello Everyone, i recently tried to post an article but unfortunately my PC crashed and i was too disheartened to re-attempt…..so i will do so again at a later date………….in the meantime i have exciting news concerning a soon to be officially released remastered Dvd of Crossed Swords. My contact in the company releasing it informs me that it…..IS A… (more…)