An Errol Flynn Birthday Celebration of 115 years!

I am pleased to send along the first page of my book, along with the last page, to celebrate the most fun 50 years I have researched. Have an enjoyable day…with lots of happy memories. Enjoy …   — David DeWitt

Happy 115th Birthday to Errol Flynn!

Happy Birthday, our dear old Errol Flynn! You have given us so much joy … — David DeWitt

We Welcome New Author Debby Phielix to the Errol Flynn Blog!

Debby, welcome aboard! We look forward to your contributions …   — David DeWitt

Mail Bag! Errol Flynn, In the Wake of the Zaca!

Thanks, Debby Phielix … Click here for YouTube — David DeWitt

Book Signing For Errol Flynn: The Life Chronology May 18, 2024!

Robert Florczak, author of Errol Flynn: the Life Chronology is having a book signing in Hollywood on May 18th at 2:00 p.m. at Larry Edmunds Book shop. A very collectable item with lots of positive reviews, many rare photos and documents and a day-by-day commentary on Flynn’s extraordinary life and times. An excellent coffee-table book you will want to have… (more…)

Nice Color Photo from the Dodge City Parade, April 1,1939

The Mail Bag brings a nice color photo of Errol Flynn from the Dodge City Parade for the premier of the film with Errol Flynn! The sender prefers to be anonymous! Thanks, Anon … — David DeWitt

Errol Flynn’s Relatives in Sligo, Ireland?

The Mail bag brings a request by Errol’s daughter Rory Flynn: She writes – “My grandfather‘s brother lives in Ireland (one of them) the other lives in Sydney that I know (if they’re still alive), and I know they have children but I’m just wondering if anybody has any connections to Sligo, Ireland … and knows of any of the… (more…)

Mail Bag! Brian Twist’s Classic Film Posters and Movie Art!

Brian Twist is one of the old hands in all things Errol Flynn! He writes today that he has launched a (terrific looking) new website of classic film posters and movie art and I want to share it with everybody! He also has a new Facebook page: MOVIE SCENE … Check out MOVIE SCENE on Facebook, too. Thanks, Bri! —… (more…)

Bartender Who Last Served Errol Flynn is Dead at 94!

Suzy W sends us an interesting Mail Bag item she found at…… … Excerpt: “His first language was Croatian. Conceived in Croatia and born in Canada, he would visit the lands of Croatia for the first time in 1969 after the death of his parents. “He grew up in Vancouver’s east end where his mother ran a boarding house.… (more…)

Another Dawn, Errol Flynn, Kay Francis 1937!

— David DeWitt

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