A Few Firsts for Flynn!

Topper MacKay provides a first installment of some looks inside his two volume book on dear ‘ol Errol: “Errol Flynn, Movie Star” …


The following  excerpts speak for themselves as they appeared in the book . The first U.S. magazine cover. January 31, 1936. The first overseas cover.  April 12, 1936. There may have been a dispute about the first one overseas, since the French magazine Cinemonde included a free paper supplement in their regular issue of Feb, 20, 1936. It did not appear on the magazine’sactual cover for that issue. Here is the flyer that was added though I am submitting it for reference only and did not include this insert in the book.

And the first U.S. magazine article with an Errol Flynn byline. August 9, 1936.





— David DeWitt

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