Mail Bag! Zaca Model made from Main Boom of Flynn’s Original Zaca!

Robert writes again with photos of the model of the Zaca he constructed from wood of the Main Mast of the original Zaca. Of the model he says:

“All the masts and the support are in Oregon pine, but this wood is that of the principal boom of ZACA that I bought to the shipyard keeping the complete masts and cut it in planks of 3 centimeters thick, under report of Usher. This model is unique in the world because it is manufactured with the original hull and masts plans and the wood originating from the ZACA is an integral part of the ship. A historical model in various aspects.

I still have some boards of this wood of which I made 80 ZACA half-hull. It measures Length : 151 Cm – Width : 22 Cm – Height : 125 Cm.

The bollard is from the Zaca, and is for sale. You can inquire through this blog, by contacting Robert via our email address: zacapublishing at gmail dot com …

Robert, thanks so much for sharing your photos with us!

— David DeWitt

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