September 27, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

It’s now wonder, doctors say, that Errol Flynn was knocked glst on his back by the flu. Though ill on his boat in Catalina, the star insisted on going fishing kn a dinghy with David Niven and Donald Crisp. Then, on top of this, he fell overboard.  Niven, trying to pull Flynn back, capsized the dinghy and three actors were floundering in the water for 15 minutes. When they finally got back to the yacht, Flynn was so sick they had to fly him to the mainland.

Colman to the Rescue?

September 27, 1938

Hollywood Citizen News

The Warners are reported dickering for Ronald Colman to take the leading role of the Englishman in Dodge City, now that Errol Flynn is out of the running.

— Tim

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