Flyin’ Flynn – October 1937

“Warners have fired Errol a red-hot telegram, ordering him to discontinue
flying lessons on the Robin Hood location. Studio nearly had a fit
when it learned Flynn and Patric Knowles have been renting a plane at a Chico
airport and making night flights. Knowles, a licensed but comparatively
inexperienced pilot, was in the role of teacher. Flynn, of pupil.”

– October 26, Harrison Carroll


“Garbed in their Robin Hood costumes, Errol Flynn and Patric Knowles scared a farmer near Chico, Calif., where the company is on location, by asking him how to kill a pig-one they claimed they found. He took one look at their costumes and slammed the door in their faces.”

– October 16, Hollywood’s Gabby Corners


Here is Flight Instructor Knowles with His Illustrious Student Pilot ..

— Tim

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