A Spring Training Quiz

It’s 3/3, Baseball Spring. So here’s a FlynnQuiz involving the most famous No. 3 of all, Babe Ruth.

One was Ruthian, the other Errolympian.

Both were hugely popular and beloved stars, and still are.

One’s career ended in 1935, the other’s exploded in 1935.

It’s astonishing to me that there’s no record of Errol Flynn and Babe Ruth ever meeting. For example, it’s hard for me to believe that Babe never attended a party up at Mulholland. They did, however, both know a famous director. In fact, this director had a significant role in the film careers of both Errol and Babe. Indeed, it may be the case that Babe’s having worked with this famous director impeded Babe from meeting Errol. Whatever the reason here’s the quiz question:

What famous director did both Errol Flynn and Babe Ruth work with?

Pitch No. 1: It involved a very big and famous premier in New York.

Pitch No. 2: It did not involve the wonderful Harold Lloyd film depicted below.

Pitch No. 3: Nor did it involve the Gary Cooper and Teresa Wright masterpiece depicted below.


Speedy: One of Harold Lloyd’s greatest, featuring Babe Ruth.

Pride of the Yankees: a heart-wrenching Super-Duper Gary Cooper movie, featuring the stunningly gorgeous and talented Teresa Wright. Look for Ruth in the beginning of this music video tribute.

— Tim

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