Are You With Him?

“Empire Presents 101 Classic Scenes, on sale now, assembles some of the most memorable moments in cinematic history, starting in 1938 with Errol Flynn’s speech from The Adventures Of Robin Hood …”……

“I’ve called you here as freeborn Englishmen, loyal to our king. While he reigned over us, we lived in peace. But since Prince John has seized the regency, Guy of Gisbourne and the rest of his traitors have murdered and pillaged.

You’ve all suffered from their cruelty: the ear loppings, the beatings, the blindings with hot irons, the burning of our farms and homes, the mistreatment of our women. It’s time to put an end to this!

Now, this forest is wide. It can shelter and clothe and feed a band of good, determined men, good swordsmen, good archers, good fighters.

Men, if you’re willing to fight for our people, I want you! Are you with me?

…Then kneel, and swear this oath:

You, the freemen of this forest, swear to despoil the rich only to give to the poor, to shelter the old and the helpless, to protect all women rich or poor, Norman or Saxon. Swear to fight for a free England. To protect her loyally until the return of our King and sovereign Richard the Lion Heart. And swear to fight to the death against our oppressors!”

— Tim

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