Mail Bag! Kevin McAleer: Errol Flynn a Life in Verse!

Dear David,

It has been quite some time since we last had contact. You may remember me – the guy who was writing an epic poem on the life of Errol Flynn. Well, ten years in the making and I recently finished it. Now of course comes the real work, finding a publisher, but in the meantime I thought you might like to read the manuscript version. Book-length poems may not be your bag, but the Flynn aspect could still carry you through.

I see that the blog is flourishing. Back in 2009 you were kind enough to post some of my stanzas. So my impulse in contacting you now is not completely self-serving – I thought you might be curious to see how things turned out.

On 11 May I have a rearding from the poem at the renowned literary salon of Britta Gansebohm, with novelist/playwright Carey Harrison moderating:…

Best Regards,

Kevin McAleer



Thanks, Kevin!

— David DeWitt

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