LIVE FROM SYDNEY – Young Errol’s Manly Home!

03 Sep

Globetrotting Flynnmate, Donna Juana One, took these photos only a few hours ago in Manly, Sydney. This is where Errol lived with his grandmother Edith Young – @ 67 Wood Street! Thank you and G’day, Donna Juana!!!

Manly 4 Wood Stret Sign with Water

Manly 3 Wood Street Sign

Manly 1

Manly 5 67 Wood Street

Manly 6  67 Wood Street

Manly 7    67 Wood Street

Manly 8 - 67 Wood Street

— Tim


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  1. Gentleman Tim

    September 3, 2016 at 10:19 am

    Taken at the Young Family Home of Young Errol featured above!


  2. David DeWitt

    The Real Person!

    Author David DeWitt acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    September 3, 2016 at 12:29 pm

    Extraordinary! Thank you Donna & Tim! Goes to show there are wonderful Flynn Detectives all over the world …

  3. Gentleman Tim

    September 3, 2016 at 12:50 pm

    Thank you, David. Donna is staying on Manly Beach and reports that the Manly neighborhood and residents have an exhilarating spirit. Per a local publication, the photo above is:

    “[o]f a very young Errol Flynn, dressed in a clown costume, posing with three young women dressed as pierrots. The photo was loaned by a Mr Robinson of Grenfell, NSW, who stated that the photo was taken in Wood Street, Manly in the early 1920s or earlier. Errol was born in Hobart, Tasmania in 1909, and looks about 6 or seven in the photo. His mother is the woman on the left of the photo, along with two of her friends. Mr Robinson’s grandmother lived in Stuart Street, not far from where young Errol lived with his mother, and his aunt Vera Robinson also lived in Stuart Street for many years.”

    “Flynn’s autobiography, My Wicked Wicked Ways, makes no mention of living in Manly. However the Sands’ Directory for 1916 notes a Mrs A E Young at no 67 Wood Street in 1916. Flynn’s mother’s maiden name was Young, and her mother was Mrs Annie E Young. Perhaps Errol’s parents were temporarily separated and Mrs Flynn had gone back to live with mother for a spell? I wonder if he attended Manly Village School that year?”

    “Flynn’s father, a Professor of Biology, was at this period a Royal Commissioner examining the Tasmanian fishing industry.”

  4. timerider

    The Real Person!

    Author timerider acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    September 3, 2016 at 3:47 pm

    Nice! I love high dwellings with decks. I remember that photo and mama Young Flynn was hot! Errol had much of his mamma’s looks. I think I see Deirdre in her but maybe just my imagination. I wonder how many of the Young family are still living there?