Errol, Frank, Allan, and the Rhino Hoof Ashtray

05 May……


(Not Flynn’s. At least not to my knowledge.

— Tim


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  1. The Zaca

    August 23, 2016 at 12:21 am

    Six degrees of separation: I own a tiny silver round pendant that was made by Allan Adler and stamped on the back. It was my father’s and is engraved on the front: “Ray, ’55”, the year I was born. As my parents lived in Los Angeles suburbs, I’m certain my dad had it made in Adler’s LA shop where Flynn came in and dropped the rhino hoof off and told Adler to “make an ashtray out of this”. It is a precious memento of my dad’s and the connection to Flynn’s silversmith makes it even more special.

    • David DeWitt

      August 23, 2016 at 12:28 am

      What a wonderful connection and keepsake!

    • Gentleman Tim

      August 24, 2016 at 6:29 am

      Wonderful indeed, TZ! What a treasure to have!

      Btw, TZ, here’s an image of Adler’s magnificent yacht, The Shawnee, a ship Errol would unquestionably known. The Shawnee appears, I believe, to reflect the elegant geometry and streamlining of Adler’s highly-praised-and-prized silversmithing.


      A superb article on The Shawnee. From the content of this account, I imagine Errol and Adler would have known each other’s yachts quite well, both of them sharing a devoted love of sailing Californian and Mexican waters.…

      • David DeWitt

        August 24, 2016 at 2:04 pm

        What an absolutely fascinating story! Maybe some kind of social funding campaign would allow him to move the not and work on it elsewhere?