A Shore Thing

This month is the 90th Anniversary of Sydney Church of England Grammar School’s most famous student – Flynn, E.L.T. “Shore” was Errol’s last school.



Errol, ever near the water:

Shore school

The notably high-achieving but “severe” headmaster who ejected Flynn – LC Robson. Robson deleted all evidence of Errol’s attendance at Shore (Student Entrance No. 3955) from school records, but Flynn, of course, prevailed – still regarded the school’s most renowned alumni (“Old Boy” in the school’s parlance.)


A sketch of Shore circa 1925, how young Master Flynn would have seen it:

Shore School Sketch from 1925

Errol’s two dorms at Shore: Robson House and School House, the latter of which he only stayed a few hours.

Robson House Crest Colour

School House Crest Colour

One of Errol’s fellow boarders at Robson House, Prime Minister Gorton, at the White House with Tricky Dick Nixon. The PM remembered Errol as “a first class boxer”.

President Nixon and Prime Minister John Gorton during an official welcoming ceremony at the White House in May 1969.

President Nixon and Prime Minister John Gorton during an official welcoming ceremony at the White House in May 1969.

— Tim

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