Relevant Film Previews Written by or About Frank “Spig” Wead, the Aviation Pioneer & Hollywood Screenwriter Who Wrote “Beyond the Blue Sky”, Which Evolved into “Dive Bomber”
For further information, see:…
1938 – Test Pilot
1941 – Dive Bomber
1951 – The Wings of Eagles
— Tim
The Real Person!
December 10, 2015 at 9:55 pm
The roots reach much deeper, Gentleman Jet. The story supposedly came from the man who put scientology into fiction. Read for yourselves:…
Gentleman Tim
December 10, 2015 at 11:11 pm
Yes, travoltaheinz, it’s a scientological, pulp fiction fact that immediately after his writing “Dive Bomber” for Warner Brothers, Hub the Five Theater Hero heroically proceeded to win two dozen or so combat medals in the South Pacific, including a Bronze Medal and a couple of purple hearts. He then invented the Air Force, among other equally profound and well evidenced accomplishments.*
If not for Captain Hub, we would most likely all be under Japanese rule to this very day. That’s Clear.
Then again, I heard on the vine that The Hub may not have won quite that many medals.
Some say tomato, some say clamato.……
* Man, that Spig Wead character sure was an ignoble phony, allowing himself to be credited for Dive Bomber! Stealing credit away from a true and disabled American war hero like Hubbard!