
Some quotes out of Adventures of Don Juan

Adventures of Don Juan Title

My favorite one is:

Duke the Lorca:

Next time I cut more deeply.

Don Juan:

Next time I wear my old clothes. (I love that change of expression for looking worried to that great smile and deliver that great unforgettable line)

Don Juan:

My dear friend, there’s a little bit of Don Juan in every man, and since I am Don Juan, there must be more of it in me!

Don Juan:
The sword is not for a traitor. You’ll die by the knife!

Don Juan:
Catherine, an artist may paint a thousand canvases before achieving one work of art. Would you deny a lover the same practice?

Don Juan:
Beloved, no power on Earth could’ve kept me from you. In all the world there’s been but one image in my heart, one vision before my eyes…

Yes, yes, go on…

Don Juan:
I have loved you since the beginning of time.

But you only met me yesterday…

Don Juan:
Why, that was when time began!

But how long will you love me?

Don Juan:
Sweet lady, love is not measured in terms of time, only in ecstasy!

Duke de Lorca:
May I remind you, my dear fellow, that in a conflict one must choose a side. The middle ground is frequently the most dangerous.

Don Juan:
I’ve been in the middle so many times, your grace… it doesn’t disturb me.

Don Juan:
A man gives up everything: a rich full life and the first time he tries to be utterly sincere, what happens?

That’s exactly what I’m trying to find out.

Don Juan:
Well, mind your own business!

King Phillip III:
We consider Don Lorca the greatest living duelist in Spain.

Don Juan:
That’s certainly the mark of a good duelist, you majesty – to be living.

— Don Jan

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