Errol Flynn……….. King of Fling! ET almost Mrs Flynn

I read the English newspaper The Daily Mail from yesterday, October 17th, with an intriguing article about Elizabeth Taylor. Errol Flynn is mentioned and below is the text (out of a new book about ET) dedicated to their short relationship, ardent romance or whatever you may call it!

Errol Flynn, Hollywood´s consumate philanderer, was also an early notch in Taylor´s bedpost! The book claims, Taylor joined the director Michael  Curtiz at a film screening at Flynn´s Hollywood home, only to find – when the lights went on at the end – Curtiz had disappeared and she was alone with the actor. She was still 15 and they allegedly ended up in bed after he got tipsy on pink champagne which would hardly have been surprising given Flynn´s scandalous reputation. He famously had a bedroom where the bed sat on an elevated platform like a throne while the walls and ceiling were covered in mirrors. Their affair lasted but two weeks – despite Flynn claiming he wanted to marry her.



— Don Jan

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