Merrill-y He Rolled Along

Rollin’ on the River, that is.

Thanks to Karl Holmberg we have this! Was it Errol & Merrill?!?

Picture this, says Errol to the camera man:

From MWWW:

“There she was, the River Queen, about a block long, with a high tower, handsome rails, artistically painted, looking like an aged- in-magnolia Southern belle. And for now it was all ours.

I led Amelia out of the car, and we went up the gangplank. I was about to return to the auto to gather our luggage when there, at the top of the gangplank, were two smiling reporters. One had a camera and he was shooting me busily. The other greeted me, talking fast about how well connected they were. What about some pictures and who was with me?

I did the first thing that crossed my mind. With all that passion which I had been reserving for Amelia and hadn’t been able to expend on her yet- because we’d almost never been alone in a place where a little expending could be done- I lifted this newspaper fellow right up in air, as I would a package, and delivered the package over the side over the side of the rail, plump into the Mississippi mud.

I had to get my hands on the camera man. These fellows are usually not too fleet- footed. They have a tendency to hang around until the camera is knocked out of their hands.. I caught this joker about twenty yards from the gangplank and pulled an old aussie trick on him, stamping on his feet while I pushed him. That doesn’t leave a man many places to go.

I grabbed the camera away from him and took out the film. I gave the camera back.

I knew the reporter had the story anyway. He may not have known who was with me, but he could release a story about Errol Flynn, seeking A bit of privacy, had hired a steamboat and crew for himself and a mysterious little lady.

From a news article of the day:

“2/22/39 HCN ERROL FLYNN RETURNS FILM SNATCHED AT MARDI GRAS FESTIVAL- Errol Flynn on vacation trip, having come from Florida, is now in New Orleans, takes film pack from photographer who snapped his picture while watching a parade with a N.O. SUB DEB previous night, and today, gives interview and gives it back.”

And here’s a photo of N.O., taken yesterday from the Natchez, the last steam-driven paddle wheeler of its kind (with a roif top calliope!) on the Mississippi – like the one (maybe even the one, though he called his the Mississippi Queen) Errol rode with Dina(?).


— Tim

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