What’s the Story on Lorraine Dora?

27 May

Prompted by Delvan’s recent comment/correction, who is Lorraine Dora?

P.S. Anyone see a resemblance to Lili?…

Errol at the Races w Lorraine Dora

Errol with Lorraine Dora

— Tim


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  1. Gentleman Tim

    May 27, 2015 at 8:47 pm

    Thanks very much, Delvan. I did see that one, with the very brief reference to Miss Dora, but without any clue to who or what she was, i.e. actress, socialite, etc. They print her name as if she needs no introduction. …. Being that she’s (mre than once) with ERROL FLYNN – one of the most famous, popular, and romantically-desired men in the world – it seems there should be some kind of info somewhere on this obviously beautiful and also desirable woman. Which begs the questions:

    Who is Lorraine Dora? Where did she come from? How did she come to know and be in the company of Errol Flynn? … And what happened to her?

    • Maria

      May 28, 2015 at 12:04 am

      I may have found something about Lorraine Dora (or else it is a cruel coincidence!)

      Lorraine Perigord:3rd wife of Mike Wallace

      Lorraine and Mike met in February 1955 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
      Paul Gates: “Mike already had been impressed by Lorraine’s more obvious attributes — her beauty, her talent, her gentle charm. And now, in addition, she had revealed an ingenuousness that he found endearing. By the time he left Puerto Rico, Mike was thoroughly smitten.”

      Lorraine died in 1994 at the age of 73. She “walked into a river in the South Seas and drowned herself.”
      Source: Peter Rader. Mike Wallace: A Life. 2012. pg. 256.

      Lorraine had two children from her previous marriages, Anthony Dora and Pauline Perigord Dora.

      From the 1981 wedding of Pauline:
      The bride, president and co-owner of the Marimekko store, a textile design and fashion fabrics concern in New York, is a daughter of Mrs. Mike Wallace of New York, a professional painter and writer under the name of Lorraine Perigord. Her father, Miklos Dora of Santa Barbara, Calif., is a wine representative for Baron Philippe de Rothschild in the United States. Her stepfather is a news correspondent with CBS.

      What do you think? I am not sure about the age- I guess she could have been 23 or so in the above picture.

      • Gentleman Tim

        May 28, 2015 at 12:15 am

        Amazing, Maria. You are superb! I was just reading the same and checked out a couple of photos. I think this well could be the Lorraine we’re looking for, though I saw one photo that does NOT seem to match up. I think this one could possibly match. What do you think?

        The age seems to fit, too. She would have been about 23 when hanging with Errol. And Baron Flynn probably wasn’t beyond dating the daughter of Baron Rothschild’s man in Santa Barbara.

        Thanks, Maria! I think you likely found her!



        • Maria

          May 28, 2015 at 12:30 am

          Thanks Tim- I am not sure if I am correct but I did find a photo :


          Lorraine came from a very intellectual family- and I think that would have appealed to Errol. I wonder how they met?

          • Gentleman Tim

            May 28, 2015 at 1:43 am

            I wonder if Lorraine was related to Micky Dora, the famous surfer?

            • Gentleman Tim

              May 28, 2015 at 1:58 am

              Yes! I believe she was surfing legend Mickey Dora’s sister!!



              • Gentleman Tim

                May 28, 2015 at 6:39 am

                Looks like the father – Myklos Dora Sr. – was quite an interesting person and superb athlete, who taught Mickey Jr, how to surf and played very high level tennis around LA, including at one of Errol’s tennis clubs, the LA Tennis Club. … So, Lorraine may have first met Errol through her father’s access, activities or connections.


                Here’s Mickey (Jr.) in action. I wonder if he ever met Errol.


            • Gentleman Tim

              December 8, 2015 at 12:23 am

              Do you (or Robert) know what her maiden name was, and whether her Dora surname connected to Miki Dora?

              Below, regarding my report that Miki Dora claimed to have known and learned swordfighting from Errol, do you know if Lorraine Dora had any connection to his involvement with Errol?

  2. Gentleman Tim

    May 28, 2015 at 7:23 pm

    The wine Errol is apparently pretending to pour in the photo at top with Lorraine appears to be a Cresta Blanca Burgundy, not one of Baron de Rothschild’s more pricey ones. Cresta Blanca was a very notable and historic California winery back in Errol’s day, now long gone. Their Burgundy in 1944, one of the more expensive American wines in those days was described as “mature [and] full-bodied”.


  3. Gentleman Tim

    May 28, 2015 at 11:45 pm

    Yup! Errol taught Mickey Dora how to swordfight!! Incredible. Mickey Dora was one of the greatest and most important surfers of all time.…
